Demigan Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 Anyone recognize the dumbed down system they are offering in this video? Besides it being a dumbed down system they have in the crysis games, it is also an incredibly dumbed down system of the good old, 10+ year old renegade system. Oh, did I mention that they thought that giving each weapon a value would be 'too complicated and too hard to balance'? So these smart developers decide to make it easier AND easily balanced by giving everything the same value: 1. That's easy to balance! This only shows how dumb most of gamers actually are. Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 i don't really know what to think about this. ripping off games is so common these days... just so little people remain which actually take the effort to give us gamers what thay really deserve, especially with the big ass companies which makes it nearly impossi intense competition in the gaming industries... that's why i'm a hardcore NES fan. what would have happened if system shock, a commercial failure, would have never been released? Modern day horror games like, dead space, F.E.A.R and bioshock would be completely diffrent, or maybe didn't exist. ah well, enough talking before i go too off-topic. but still... would you think i'm right? after all, this is why sites like moddb became so big. Quote
Demigan Posted October 23, 2012 Author Posted October 23, 2012 i don't really know what to think about this. ripping off games is so common these days... Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they really thought it was a groundbreaking difference in ordinary multiplayer. Developers that think a 'groundbreaking change' is actually just being able to choose your weapons before respawning is pathetic. I think it is mostly the big companies that throw a monkey wrench in the machine of developers. Developers have so many great ideas, so many whacked up, groundbreaking changes in their heads. But only someone who gets a renown status can actually bring a good, game-concept altering idea through the careful inspections of the big industry. The industry wants to make money, how do you know for certain that you earn money? do what has earned you money before. The Modern warfare and Medal of Honour and more such franchises have barely changed the core of the gameplay, over the years, instead just adding weapons, vehicles and graphics to keep everyone happy, add blockbuster-type hypes and trailers and you got yourself a triple A, although stale, game. It is good that crowdfunding got off to a good start, all games that the industry didn't want to fund or even hear about ends up there, I see games that ask for 'only' 900.000 and end up with more then 2,5 million of crowdfunded money for the sole idea, imagine how much a fully fledged game would raise if it is sold afterwards. This hopefully shows big game companies that there SHOULD be room for new concepts and idea's. Oh, and by the way, I don't mind going off-topic, I'm bored out of my mind so I need something to blather on about Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 I think it is mostly the big companies that throw a monkey wrench in the machine of developers. Developers have so many great ideas, so many whacked up, groundbreaking changes in their heads. But only someone who gets a renown status can actually bring a good, game-concept altering idea through the careful inspections of the big industry. The industry wants to make money, how do you know for certain that you earn money? do what has earned you money before. The Modern warfare and Medal of Honour and more such franchises have barely changed the core of the gameplay, over the years, instead just adding weapons, vehicles and graphics to keep everyone happy, add blockbuster-type hypes and trailers and you got yourself a triple A, although stale, game. that's kinda what annoys me really. companies are afraid that their games won't sell, but after all, it's so hyped that it doesn't even matter. and if you want a change, do it GRADUALLY, instead of throwing in a 8x ''anti-camping scope'', which actually only makes camping easier. people would hate it if you would change the concept of a game at once. having said this, let me give you an expample to explain you it. Havoc was the main character of C&C renegade, released in 2002. What if the dev team would say: "Hmm, Havoc has been the main character in this game for the last 10 years, maybe it's time for some change''. people would most probably say that they could be right. what most companies would do now, is that they completely forget about Havoc and change the main story. what would you think of that? And now, isn't that what EA did after all? and see what happened after that... *cough* C&C4 *coughs louder* so... does anyone has anything to say about this? come on, i know you want to talk! keep the forums alive Quote
ssjChris Posted November 12, 2012 Posted November 12, 2012 Studying a game design major, I know for a fact that it's insanely diffifcult to make something that is completely original. Call of Duty is being milked by Activision because they know if that people will buy an old game with the same stuff, they will keep on making it. Modern Warfare 3 and Infinity Ward more or less being dead is likely the first step of the end of yearly CoD games. Yeah, CoD is pretty much cut and paste every year with multiplayer, but the I have to admit the campaigns from most of the games are pretty darn good. I didn't play MW3 but I enjoyed all of the other ones. Oh, did I mention I played and beat the campaigns? That's an achievement in itself! Anyway, I honestly wouldn't complain about it, if you don't like it, don't play it, that's how I see it. Quote
ssjChris Posted November 12, 2012 Posted November 12, 2012 Studying a game design major, I know for a fact that it's insanely diffifcult to make something that is completely original. Call of Duty is being milked by Activision because they know if that people will buy an old game with the same stuff, they will keep on making it. Modern Warfare 3 and Infinity Ward more or less being dead is likely the first step of the end of yearly CoD games. Yeah, CoD is pretty much cut and paste every year with multiplayer, but the I have to admit the campaigns from most of the games are pretty darn good. I didn't play MW3 but I enjoyed all of the other ones. Oh, did I mention I played and beat the campaigns? That's an achievement in itself! Anyway, I honestly wouldn't complain about it, if you don't like it, don't play it, that's how I see it. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 12, 2012 Posted November 12, 2012 The singleplayer campaign wasn't bad. but the problem is, nobody is gonna spend $60 on a game which you can complete in 3 days, and then most probably won't play again in a while. I don't say call of duty is that bad really, but it desperately needs improvements if it wasn't that so many people buy becuase it's so mainstream. this is why i dislike most modern day mainstream games. too much casual, too much repetitive, too many mindless people buying it. guess why i like C&C renegade now... Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 12, 2012 Posted November 12, 2012 The singleplayer campaign wasn't bad. but the problem is, nobody is gonna spend $60 on a game which you can complete in 3 days, and then most probably won't play again in a while. I don't say call of duty is that bad really, but it desperately needs improvements if it wasn't that so many people buy becuase it's so mainstream. this is why i dislike most modern day mainstream games. too much casual, too much repetitive, too many mindless people buying it. guess why i like C&C renegade now... Quote
R315r4z0r Posted November 12, 2012 Posted November 12, 2012 What do you mean by it being a dumbed down version of Renegade's system? Renegade doesn't let you make custom classes. TBH, I think the class creation should be like the inventory mechanic in the Resident Evil games. You can use as much as you can fit into the box that you can. But in addition, they should make it that the more stuff you put in, the slower you move (or the faster you run out of sprint) Quote
R315r4z0r Posted November 12, 2012 Posted November 12, 2012 What do you mean by it being a dumbed down version of Renegade's system? Renegade doesn't let you make custom classes. TBH, I think the class creation should be like the inventory mechanic in the Resident Evil games. You can use as much as you can fit into the box that you can. But in addition, they should make it that the more stuff you put in, the slower you move (or the faster you run out of sprint) Quote
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