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Tiberium Crystal War Beta 1.12 Released (FREE TO PLAY)

DOWNLOAD MIRROR 1: http://www.zunnie.net/tcw/beta/Tiberium_Cr...r_Beta_1.12.exe

DOWNLOAD MIRROR 2: http://www.multiplayerforums.com/downloads...view&id=314

DOWNLOAD MIRROR 3: http://www.indiedb.com/games/tcw-w3d/downl...l-war-beta-v112

Forums: http://www.multiplayerforums.com

IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/tcw-w3d (W3D version Renegade Engine)

IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/tcw-udk (UDK version Unreal Engine 3)





Run the Tiberium_Crystal_War_Beta_1.12.exe installation and follow the onscreen instructions. NOTE: The installer may appear to be unresponsive, just give it a few minutes to complete installing.


You must install the VC Redist which starts during installation.

You must install the DirectX update which starts after the initial TCW installation completes.

You must edit TCW shortcut on desktop and change "MyNickname" to your desired name, in the Target box.

Playing the Game Online

To join our server and play online please edit the shortcut to Tiberium Crystal War on your desktop by right clicking on it and choosing properties.

Then edit your nickname by replacing the "MyNickname" entry.

Configuring Tiberium Crystal War Graphics and Sound

Please run the shortcut in your Startmenu (or run wwconfig.exe) and configure your options as you see fit.

Note that if it is the first time you run the config it may not save your settings right away. Launch the game, then exit it, and run the config again. It will save the settings on exit.

Server Details

Server IP = Port = 7800

IRC = irc.multiplayerforums.com #MPF-TCW


Here is a detailed list of what is currently available in the Tiberium Crystal War Online Beta 1.12:

--- Beta 1.12 Additions:

- Fixed the 999 Ammo Bug

- Added Nod Flame tank

- Added GDI Flame Tank

- Added GDI Scorpion

- Added Nod Scorpion

- Added GDI Attack Bike

- Fix harvester deposit zones on Temple

- Nod Scorpion tank added

- New Loading Screen

- Add ability to skip the Warning popup when launching TCW with -warning

- Some fixes done to Center Point map

- Fix the shortcut to start TCW so there is a warning about possible version mismatch and website

- Fix the Dominatrix map

- Fix the APC name to armored personnel carrier

- !status appear on irc for domination maps

- Change logfile path to Documents\MPF

- Update sourcecode to latest TT code base

- Fix GDI Harvester docking at TCW_Gobi

- Add custom shader HUD

- Fix knife string name to work in new HUD. (marked as done though it don't display text at all now)

- Added several stolen tech icons

- Tiberium Spikes can now be destroyed to stop enemy money income

- Added building icons for the J and K screen

- New Win screen for GDI and Nod when the game ends

- GDI Command Post no longer plays Renegade sounds when destroyed

- Nod Shrine no longer plays Renegade sounds when destroyed

- When starting TCW popup will tell to visit site for updates and change MyNickname

- Added all new Purchase Icons for Units (still missing: GDI Chuck Norris, Nod Chuck Norris, GDI Nod Harvester, GDI Nod Stealth Tank)

- New Escape screen showing references and controls

- Updated code a bit here and there

- Moved all update content into a new file 'always3.dat' to keep the data folder clean

- Fixed Flametank tracks

- Fixed Scorpion tracks

- Fixed the frigging harvester for GDI on Gobi (again it borked for mysterious reasons)

- Added under attack sound/message to Silo's, Armory, Shrine, Command Post and Operations Centre

- Added destruction sound/message to silo's, Armory, Shrine, Command Post and Operations Centre

- Added new taunts: aah,down,enough,fun,oops,payback,suffer,unrivaled,welcome,yes

- Added PT icons for Peasants (Chuck Norris)

- Fixed Scorpions and Flametanks on Midnight_Light Coop map

- Gave GDI a Scorpion on Center_Point cause of problems with Predator and the hill

- Added GDI Rifle Soldier model and skin

- Saboteur now has 1 Remote C4

- Saboteur now has only 4 mines

- You now spawn as a Chuck Norris again on Dominatrix so you can repair nodes

--- Beta 1.11 Additions:

- Green tiberium now gives $700 on deposit

- Blue tiberium now gives $1400 on deposit

- Fixed the tibrerium deposit zone on Mediterranean for Nod

- Binary version upped to 4.2

- New map TCW_Snowarfare Christmas special by Mauler

- New map TCW_Center_Point where you must capture the Countdown Point for cruiser attacks on enemy base

- New map TCW_Centre

- New map TCW_Cruising (Coop)

- New map TCW_Midnight_Light (Coop)

- New map TCW_Dominatrix where you capture consoles for points, when your team hits 5k points you win

- New map TCW_Mediterranean

- New map TCW_Temple by Mauler

- New map TCW_Tropical

- New map TCW_Walls port from Renegade with new textures by Fear

- Whatever else we forgot to mention :)


You *must* let the installer run VCRedist and the DirectX Update at the end and install them or TCW may not work correctly.

Greetz TCW Dev Team

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