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Hi guys !

we have a plan to design a Uniform for our [Dragon] clan.

by the way,it could promote the popularity of Ren-x in China.

so we hope someone could afford the Source files of the logo for Renegade-x (just like this image below),

and some Good ideas for Styles .


the format in PNG at best, which could be edited and add some Chinese characters in it

Thx ~!

our sample


  • Former Developers

We actually asked EA about RenX gifts such as t-shirts, mouse pads etc... They told us not to do so. So I'm not entirely sure if this is a good idea. I cant remember but I think it might be okay if no profits were made. You'll have to ask EA because we're not entirely certain.

  • Former Developers
Really? Why EA not allow this? To me this logo has nothing to do with the original game...

Not sure, like I said it was a while ago so details are a bit fuzzy.

It was quite some time ago that we were thinking of having some prizes for possible contests I think and I think it was fobby or jeep who sent an e-mail to EA asking if thats alright. I cant remember exactly, one of them will have to clear it up. I would love to have a RenX shirt though.


Oh I sure would love to have one as well. Wouldnt it, you know, per any chance be possible to make a deal with EA about it? You know, they have a share of the price? I mean, it wouldnt probably be that many sales, but still.


Yeah basically the team can't make any kind of money what so ever. This includes ads on the website/forums or selling t-shirts on places like cafepress. Even if the income is indirect, they can't do it, Reborn Gamers couldn't ask for donations to help with our servers here thanks to EA. SO yeah like havoc said, send an email to EA to confirm so you don't go messing with RenX's ability to create this free game.

  • Former Developers
Just let someone who's not from the team make/sell them.

Ding! We have a winner!

I dont think so. I think if its not allowed, and some one else tries to make/sell merchandise with our logo, we'd probably end up getting the blame.

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