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I was wondering what kind of game-modes are liked out there. Seeing as shooters generaly become simpler in terms of gameplay and focus on graphix, I want to know what the favorite game-mode is.

Just name your top 3 game-modes, even if the game-mode does not exist!

1. C&C mode ofcourse!

-Most tactical game-mode I've ever played in any game. A few of the more innovative games have cheap half-baked copy's of this mode, but nothing that makes even a tiny bit of teamplay so much more powerfull then lone-wolf. Even better: it's the only FPS game out there where someone can actually win a game without being top-notch in shooting others.

2. assault

-First saw assault in the Unreal Tournament GOTY edition, also the game that introduced me to FPS games. While most maps were unbalanced as hell, it got me lusting for more. It's a shame that this game-mode never really caught on and is rarely featured in a game.

3. CTF

-While a lot more about who's the best at killing others, there's a thrill in running around with a flag, hoping you won't be found out or running that last stretch to safety with bullets flying all around. I prefer the CTF modes where there's more then 2 ways to run away, and where you can still SHOOT while carrying a flag.


Well... My favourite modes are just these ones you already typed in ;)

I wonder how many modes are out there... I just know C&C Mode, assault, CTF, Slayer, bombing run, king of the hill, that mode in Halo where you have to get a skull to get points...


1. C&C Mode

2. CTF

3. Assault

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