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I work on coop maps and stuff usually and some scripting and thats it. Mostly for APB and Renegade.

I just happened to finish my first map for renegade a few days ago, it is based on the idea Jonwil proposed

for a map with one large building to fight within. Immediteately the building Hand of Nod from Single player

came to my mind. SO i made a map called Jonwils_Lair (since it was jonwils idea) and put a HoN SP in it with

some interesting outside surroundings. The powerups play new sounds that were unused in renegade until now.

(note: for the sounds to play on powerups you need to join the TT 4.0 testserver for now, the script is not included in 3.4)

Feel free to download it over here: http://ren.game-maps.net/index.php?act=view&id=1404



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