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I'm just wondering what do you think about the balancing of the weapons in renegade?

Is it me or does it seem most of the weapons don't get used?

My opinion is that most of the weapons seem weaker than they should be

what's you opinion?


if i remember being told correctly that all the damage calcs are the exact same from renegade. In other words it will take the same amount of bullets from an assualt rifle to kill someone in renegade as it does in RenegadeX to avoid this question. Personally all the weps end up getting used, granted some are better than others but thats where the credit system comes into play.


I understand that higher weapons will be better than lower tier weapons,

but in renegade i would usually use the pistol over the assault rifle because it's more accurate

IMO a pistol shouldn't be better than a assualt rifle in most circumstances.

& I wouldn't use the tiberium auto rifle since the bullets are too slow etc

What would you change? e.g. damage, accuracy, range, speed of rockets...

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