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im having fun >:o


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boy, i upgrade to dual core, wait...need a higher power psu...350>600Watt (soon)

1 out of 2 computers i can play Ren-X on...

As i just got a deep cuz becuase of people messing and moving stuff at my workstation.

I goto load Ren-X on my 2nd pc, well i just got it reinstalled and working but Woho make this night better. Crashes on client load :)

no1 wants to help me varafy its not my mobo thats not working, its my psu lol but 1 person so far ;)

meh, im so pissed tonight lol

cant play ren-x untill i get my 600watt psu, and if bad mobo, then untill i get that lol >.<

and im getting really tired of everytime i navagate on these forums i get a annoying repetive "IPS Driver Error" lol -_-

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