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I was at work today and was thinking about Renegade X. For some reason, the idea of match making crossed my mind while I was thinking about Renegade X. I thought that it would be cool to have some sort of match-making system in the game.

I was using Halo as a reference when I was thinking of it. For those of you who haven't played Halo 2 or 3 on LIVE, then Matchmaking is how you set up your matches. As every player plays the game, their games get recorded and they are given a rank based on their skill level. Obviously the higher the number, the more skill the player has. They use matchmaking to match together groups of people within the same rank ranges to ensure that everyone has a fun experience playing with opponents of almost equal skill levels as you.

You might be thinking "Well that's all find and dandy, but Renegade is a lot more complex than 'run-n-gun' Halo. In Halo, you just need skill in killing the other dudes, in Renegade there are dozens of skills that you can master and still fall victim to other players who know how to counter you." Or maybe "How will matching skill ranks ensure a 'perfect game?'

I was thinking those same things. So I came to a conclusion that would definitely make online play more fun and addicting. Here is my idea:

Instead of taking your general skill and lumping it into a single rank that dictates what other players you play with, why not rank what you, personally, are good at or tend to do. Let me clarify: If you play the game and 90% of the time you use a sniper rifle, then the game should read that and list you as a "Sniper" player. You would be given a skill rank based on how well you use the sniper. If you tend to gear towards tank combat, you would be listed as an "Armored Division" player. You would be given a skill rank based on how well you do in tank combat.

These player classifications could swap out later down the line if you suddenly start rolling out tanks instead of using snipers or something similar.

Now, with these player classifications in mind, we can move onto match making. The match making would search through all the players queued and only allow a certain amount of different types in a game. That way, you won't end up with games with 10 people using SBHs, 1 person with a tank and 4 with snipers. It would balance out the player classifications ensuring that each team has a balanced mix of everything. A mix of people who like doing what they do, but at the same time are different than what their teammates do.

It might even ensure more team cooperation because people will know flat out what their team is good at doing.

I just thought it would be cool and ensure that all games play out to their utmost ferocity and intensity.


This isn't a console game... This is a pc game.... which means all servers are just about differently. Now this means that there isn't a master server which will throw people into a game where they can play... you join through the server browser :P


Haven't you ever heard of quickplay or automatch?

They have it in the RTS C&C games and a lot of other games out for PC, including FPS games, such as Crysis.

Quickplay and automatch are just other words for Matchmaking.

QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Aug 27 2009, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Haven't you ever heard of quickplay or automatch?

They have it in the RTS C&C games and a lot of other games out for PC, including FPS games, such as Crysis.

Quickplay and automatch are just other words for Matchmaking.[/b]

UT3 is mainly run off of peoples own servers which, from my knowledge, are not connected to master server like those.... which means, None of the servers are connected to each other, they are their own separate ententes...

Be that as it may, my suggestion still holds merit. Maybe the game can't automatically connect people together, but that doesn't mean that people can't be classified into classes depending on how they play.


Probably an individual server (or more than one, if they all connect to a central database) could do it; I doubt that all servers would though. I do like the idea of your classifications.


Personally, I think its a fantastic idea. But i agree, i dont think theres a way to use it as a matchmaking method

HOWEVER, I think it would be perfect for balancing teams at the start of each game, and subsequent players that joined the server as to which side they go to (if its even of course).

Kind of a side thought, when it comes to rank, it would be kind of cool if people who've earned a higher rank or level, if they got bonuses of some kind. maybe run a little faster jump a little higher.. characters cheaper.. carry more guns. stuff like that. Just a thought :)

QUOTE (Xurcon @ Aug 30 2009, 05:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kind of a side thought, when it comes to rank, it would be kind of cool if people who've earned a higher rank or level, if they got bonuses of some kind. maybe run a little faster jump a little higher.. characters cheaper.. carry more guns. stuff like that. Just a thought :) [/b]

No no no. People with way too much free time would have too much of an advantage. I'm all for a server side vet system mod like we have in renegade now days thats gives benefits each game to people with the most points that resets every map. Having a permanent rank system that gives benefits based on how much people play is not the way foward though. Someone that plays 8 hours every day will have a massive point lead over someone that plays 4 games a day.

Wasn't a bad idea you brought to the table, just a little inpracticle. Could possibly be implimented into some private servers idk.

Renegade is just about the only game with a fair award system for the better player: it's point system. The more points you get, the more credits you get. The more expencive the thing you destroy, the more money and points it will earn you. If you aren't a better player but just score lots of points, you will also lose a lot of expencive equipment along the way. Balancing it out if you don't play that well but are a destructive monster. So what you say is already in, but not as progressively as you mentioned.

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