Flame Troopers
could you guys add an alt fire for his primary weapon ? and if that not possible could you increase it mag size . Of all the Free classes I think Flamethrower is weaker .
And shouldn't he explode as he dies
the new update is not good at all the problem is if an tech uses his personal mines and changes his class his mines vanish . What i would do with mines is to introduce other varieties like a sonar mine or a stun mine or for NOD a stealth mine.
Nod Vehicles are too weak it would be nice if a laser tank was introduced in order to combat or you can introduce commander upgrades where a commander could select one of the upgrades like upgrading all vehicle with laser cannons or infantry get buffed up armor same goes for GDI . or you could introduce a nuke truck
i think these quality of life improvements might help but do something about the flame troopers .