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Everything posted by Fulger100

  1. well,for renegade x(or any cnc) i listen to world beyond and TI(twisted inssurection) ost world beyond will make you feel courageous and make you HAVING HOPE TO WIN! twisted inssurection is soooooo good with renegade x(mostly the song named nod trash)
  2. Fulger100


  3. Fulger100


    So here are a couple of ideas from me -add for nod the tib dawn bike - four new tech buildings: mutant fortification center: can buy mutant vehicles and become a mutant tacitus shop: gives acsees too new vehicles and soliders as conyard: can rebuild buildings if they got destroyed secret shrine: you can be a cyborg! that is all for now!
  4. now again has the problem
  5. I have the inis,but they are not still showing
  6. i installed a couple of maps for my renegade x the old version i was able to see the cusom maps now it doesn't let me play them!
  7. Well,i can't see my custom maps in this game,god dammit mr Enderson
  8. Well,i can't see my custom maps in this game,god dammit mr Enderson

  9. bruh
  10. How about we make the old aiming with "V" get back in renegade x? When you holded down the button "V" and you can move your character without the camera? ^^
  11. Thanks you two,i thought i was gonna get some negative people here,but it's good! AND DO THIS RENEGADE X OWNERS PLS!!
  12. How about making the renegade soldiers to say something from the original renegade? ^^ like the stealth black hand:
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