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Everything posted by StoerFaktoR

  1. Great ! Thank you
  2. Hey guys, I need again a little bit help. In which folder i have to place custom mutators? I found this little tutorial http://renx.wiki/wiki/Mutator but it only says "Several mutators are included with Renegade-X itself". Hm , but it says nothing about custom mutators I tried to put them into my "game-directory/mutatorname/Classes/mutator.uc" and made an entry into my server.bat but the console only said "Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class ..." What am I doing wrong? Regards Chris
  3. It also doesn't work but it's no problem. I will make a macro script or will try find another solution. But anyway thanks for your help and your time Regards Chris
  4. Thank you! ?initialbots=10 does not work for me but not so tragic Regards Chris
  5. Hey there my name is Chris and first i want to say that this game is absolutely great and the devs make a great job Please keep on it My questions... Is it possible to keep the bots after a mapchange on a map? After every mapchange i have to relogin as administrator that i can make the admin addbots command ... And is there maybe a way to change the names of the bots? Regards Chris
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