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Posts posted by -mammut-

  1. Thanks for the quick response.

    1) Yesterday it didn't work. Today, after a reboot it suddenly works. Strange ... but fine :)

    2) I'm starting the server through the launcher, saying "launch server". I tried it with the server.bat, but without further knowledge of why it didnt want to work, I skipped that. Perhaps I will try again, when I found out the other issues

    3) Hm,didn't find anything suitable in the INIs.

    Perhaps those lines? And what would be the right value?

    TeamMode = 3 ; Determines how teams are organized between matches. 0 = static, 1 = swap, 2 = random swap, 3 = shuffle, 4 = traditional (assign as players connect)




    4) Hmm, doesn't work. I set the values for the skirmish menu ingame and that works perfect. Unfortunately it always resets when starting the game again and you have to adjust the values every time again. So I tried to change the values in the INIs, but it doesn't change anthing in the predefined values ingame, but thats not a real problem. Just inconvenient.

    5) I was able to set the starting credits now (also I dont know either why it hasn't work yesterday). Where do I find the information about vehicle and mine limit of the maps (things I obviously cannot change; just for skirmish)?

    Thank you guys so much. Now Im at least able to host a game and change all the necessary values. Even if it is a bit complicated for a dumb idiot like me ;)

  2. Hi there,

    thanks to your help, i was able to set up a server, join it and also use some commands.

    Unfortunately there are a few issues I still cannot solve:

    1) Some options I just cannot find:

    - timelimit: whatever ini I change the timelimit to "999", the timelimit on my server is always "40". And after each serverstart or mapchange the timelimit in the UDKRenegadeX.ini is set to "40" again. Even with write protection the timelimit on the server is "40" (but ini is save then).

    - mine limit, vehicle limit, starting credits: same here as it is with the timelimit :(

    - starting map: every time I start a server the first map is "walls" and I cannot find how to change that. Due to some crashes when changing map afterwards, what then takes a few tries until I can rejoin (sometimes server crashes too), it is a very long procedure to first start a server and then change to the map you would like to play.

    2) Starting team: Im always starting as NOD, but I rather like joining GDI most of the time - I like the mammoth tank, as my nick suggests ;)

    3) Where can I change the default starting values for the skirmish? I tried searching through the inis, but it doesn't seem to work, when changing the default values there :(

  3. Ahh, it doesn't say that in the preview when typing into the console.

    Thx for the help, it worked. I think now I can try that soon with another computer now at least I got connection to my own server :)

    Thanks for your quick help. The game is just amazing and Im really looking forward for the final version coming soon - and now the first LAN game :)

    PS: Can somebody tell me if one can see my server, which is on right now?


  4. I just deactivated my wlan connection and tried it again, getting the info i should connect to, which indeed works properly with joining IP through the launcher, as well as ingame.

    Activating internet connection and disabling the firewall unfortunately didn't work. Launcher still crashes, when trying to join or doesn't react on Join IP (game starts, but halts in the main menu).

    edit: something strange just happened. I still cannot join with "join server" (probably because it's my own server and it cannot connect with the external IP). But suddenly I can join the game with Join IP (internal IP). The game starts AND immediately joins the game.

    I do not have an extra computer to test the lan and internet functionality, but at least thats a first success.

    A bit strange because everything is still as it was before, except for the update this morning ^^

    PS: hmm, why does it say for almost every command "command not recognized" ("addbots 10" for example)

  5. Hi there,

    Im new here, but playing Renegade X for a while in skirmish. But I want to play it on LAN or WWW with friends creating my own server.

    Unfortunately I cannot host or join a server either.

    I looked through the forum, but didn't find a solution for my problem.

    I found out how to change the ini to change server name and starting options.

    But after starting the server, it is shown in the launcher, but I cannot join it nor is it visible ingame.

    Trying to join the server, the launcher crashes. Trying to join the server ingame with "join IP" doesnt do anything :(

    Other servers work properly

    Can somebody tell me what Im doing wrong?



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