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Everything posted by Sevyc

  1. Sevyc


    yes we did! but 333 is not the friend I referred to. so you probably found a solution for him! The friend I mentioned seems to have lost the interested in any more fixing right now.. maybe he'll come back again to this amazing game some other time. Thanks for the answer.
  2. Sevyc


    a friend of mine got the same problem. launcher works fine but everytime he hits launch game or want to join a server the renegade x banner will show up and the game will crash. We tried every fix we could find on the forums some resulting in a not responding blackscreen and again crashes. redownloading and installing did not help too. We used the same mirror and everything is working fine for me. both using win7 64-bit drivers are all up to date He is using a laptop but graphics card and cpu are able to run everything available atm. I can ask for further system specs we tried: -reinstalling directx -manual patching -editing files: UDKSystemSettings.ini (resolution and bAllowD3D9MSAA) and some shader option in another file I dont remember right now -deleting UDKRenenegadeX.ini -redownloading and irenstalling
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