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  1. You don't need good coordination. You need one other person. Especially as NOD it's easy to win the first few minutes. Two chemtroopers who managed to sneak passed the enemy will guarantee a destroyed building. Well I really enjoy Renegade X I have to say it's not played much. Usually there is one server 30+ people, since I started playing again I've yet to find a different server which have more than 2 players on it.
  2. Heya, I've played Renegade since the release of the original for a few years. Played a few months when Renegade X released februari last year and now I'm playing again. But 75% of the games I've played had the same two problems. Either it's over in ten minutes or after two and half hour of marathon people finally decide to give up. It's tiresome, after a while it isn't fun anymore. So I've thought of something. At the start of the game (first five - ten minutes) all damage done to buildings is reduced by 75-90 percent. Something like that. So that way you could still rush it but you must organize. You can't do it with two - three chemtroopers anymore. And for the marathon games that seem to play till the end of time. Reduce the repairspeed. After 45 minutes, an hour or so, reduce the healing done to buildings. Every few minutes the healing done gets reduced. After lets say two hours of playing you only heal for 10% of the normal amount. You can still repair but should the opponent take the field and barge into your base you've most likely lost a building. But it's been two hours since the start of the match, so finally feeling some progression is nice. Anyway, that's what I thought. Could also apply it as a server option if people don't like it.
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