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Posts posted by GaiusLukasCäsar

  1. I don't know if someone else has noticed this, but in recent Fort matches it happened that the WF gets nuked on it's roof while the mines on the stairs are all intact.

    So today I saw a parachute next to the WF stairs for 1 second or so. I didn't think much of it, maybe some teammate jumped off the WF roof, so I went on.

    One minute later a nuke gets planted on WF and guess what, an SBH was sitting on the roof and guarded his nuke. Again, the stairs mines were all intact.

    The obvious conclusion is : You can glitch on the hill right next to the WF, jump, and land on the stairs with the mines behind you, nuke the roof and nobody thinks it's up there because the stairs are still mined.

    This is kind of a major glitch because Fort matches can end pretty quickly once one team loses it's WF/Airstrip.

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  2. The game basically needs a tutorial which every new player has to pass before he can enter the multiplayer and covers all important mechanics of the game. I know this could piss off some people who want to try out the game but you know what? People that don't want to learn basic mechanics of the game aren't worth it anyway. But we could maybe get rid of new people who mine the field because they don't know mines are supposed to be on building entrences.

    Also I think the player who placed mines should get informed (Like text message "Lost some of your mines at Hand of Nod") about where mines are going off if they are some of his mines. Honestly, who bats an eye on the mine limit all the time when he is out in field?

    This doesn't mean its impossible to sneak into a building anymore because the miner could still be afk/don't warn his team/simply ignore it.

    But for miners like me it would be really helpful because when I kill someone with mines I sometimes have to search whole base to find out where which is really annoying.

  3. I have the same problem, my screen resolution is 1400x1050. It's not a big problem but really annoying when all messages are like cut down to half or at least so much I can't really understand them sometimes. After game starts it's ok.

    If enough people complain about it they will hopefully fix it. :D

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