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  1. Thanks for the replies guys. The map is using the node/waypoint system and has various Rx_AreaObjectives set throughout. I tried setting this one in the deepest jungle section to 10 Importance. But the bots will still never go there. I also tried adding a UTDefence Point to the same area but the bots don't follow that either.
  2. I recently came back to Renegade X and wished to check out the map I released some time ago, Paradise. Specifically, I downloaded and booted into the most recent SDK but I noticed something was wrong. The bots will only ever take the most direct route through the map (green), which means that you will never encounter enemies inside the volcano or throughout the jungle areas (red). This never used to be a thing. When I made this in 2019, you would encounter bots scattered throughout the map, taking different routes including in the red areas shown below. My question is, can I do anything in the SDK to remedy this, or has there been an update to the bots which no longer makes this possible?
  3. I don't think putting superweapon blocks in the maintenance tunnels is a solution, the tunnels exist to create a more exterior method of attacking a building which is otherwise not exposed. The map was designed to also implement auto-defence ceiling turrets, as we know script loss has caused this feature to disappear. The maintenance tunnel is supposed to contain an auto-turret, and 2 ceiling turrets are designed to operate outside the 2 main doors to the power plant. In time, players will be aware of the superweapon tunnel location. What I would rather implement are wider maintenance tunnels, such that allies can pass each other when walking through them. A “force first person” volume wouldn’t go a miss
  4. Update now available
  5. Thank you, it is currently uploading and then I will forward the link on.
  6. Ah I am unsure if I disconnected the node for that, if you could check in the Kismet, the node to open the end game doors should simply be disconnected from the time delay.
  7. The upcoming change-log for those interested. - Added interior of Volcano - Fixed missing sounds, models and textures - Added new bird sounds - Reduced amount of sound nodes in the Jungle - Disabled hidden areas - Removed some trees and rocks to increase mobility of tanks in Jungle - Removed ceiling turret mini-map icons - Moved a CCTV camera to inside the volcano - Slightly reworked surrounding islands - Updated mini-map - Added precomputed visibility volumes - Various other optimisations and improvements
  8. Yes, actually all secret areas and functions have been disabled in this latest build, with core C&C Mode to be expected. How is the best way to send the file your way?
  9. Okay that's great, are you okay to add the volumes and build lights into the map again if I send you it?
  10. Who was it who added the precomputed visibility, I didn't have time to add such volumes to this build?
  11. Hello! Only returned for a few days, tomorrow I hope to send this to someone who can build production lighting as I won't have the time to do that myself
  12. Great editing. That communications centre makes for an excellent meeting point. I do hope to include some tunnels through the volcano if I find the time over summer. The bridges that lead to the guard towers are just asking to also lead to an infantry path.
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