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Posts posted by Inilitus

  1. So I was on change.org after a friend sent me a link to a petition there, and I saw that EA (or whoever officially represents EA on that site) commented on one of the petitions to restart Generals 2 development

    Nothing really groundbreaking, just something I felt was strange



  2. After playing a good amount of games recently, I definitely think Airdrop needs a nerf as is. It is a bit surreal that GDI can tank-siege Nod with WF down for 20 minutes, or Nod 12/12 flamerush GDI with AS down.

    Not saying airdop is a bad thing, but back before it, losing WF/AS actually had weight. Now it's more like an annyoment. After asking ingame, I saw a lot of people agreeing with me. But of course there are probably some who don't.

    I agree. If losing AS/WF meant that no more vehicles could be bought, this would force people to work together to repair their remaining vehicles and plan how to use them efficiently. I still see sometimes techs and engis ignoring my 2% flame tank even though the AS has been gone.

  3. I always thought it would be cool to add Tiberium lifeforms. Person dies in a tib field? Small chance they might turn into a visceroid

    Also maybe add the ability to get a random gun from crates, not replacing your main gun

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