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Everything posted by theUnnamed

  1. Bananas you said RenX is based on a RTS game. Based on this I made some thoughts about it.. If you would stick on the real CnC there would be a few changes to make: 1st: In the original CnC the repair rate of a building is fixed. In RenX this could be introduced in RenX by a maxium fixed repair rate. e.g. maximum 3 hotties can repair a building. 2nd: In the original CnC repairing a building costs money and if your account has 0$ repairing stops.... This could be introduced in RenX by a global account where e.g. a commander has acces to and repairing is financed by the global credits. Or introduce a new global currency for repairs which is generated by a building like a silo.... P.s. In any case a tech tree like yosh56 said would be realy cool!! I miss the RTS feeling which comes with it!! But I think it shouldn't be the way to solve the endless game problem..... It would be like a race between upgrading weapons or armour..... ( cold war like )
  2. "Then there is the suggestion of what if buildings can only be repaired half-way and if damaged 60% then 10% cannot be repaired, leaving your building at 90% for the rest of the game. Makes it where if a building is damaged 70%, an engineer could kill it the rest of the game, an advantage that is not given, but earned, but still softens it up to end more reliably eventually." That's a bit equal to the suggestion making it impossible to rapair buildings after a certain periode of time which i would most prefer!
  3. Hi, I'm very interessting in game development as a hobby and have skills in c++,c#,java, directX, openGL, photoshop (a little bit) and as a mechanical engineering student in CAD. I also developed a engine on my own but realised that it's not the way i wanted to go.. I see the RenegadeX SDK as a starting point. But you're more skilled and can answer the question: How to start? Which engine to use etc..? I also have a problem with the RenX sdk. For some reason if i start udk.exe it starts the game.
  4. Disableing base defenses would also work... It's a frustration to play for 1-3h without a winning side...
  5. A sudden death mode would be cool. After a certain time it shouldn't be possible to repair buildings and everyone get's a nuke or ion beacon.
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