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Posts posted by Nobelissimos

  1. Servers show as 0 Players when changing maps.

    If im honest with your attitude im not sure i want you in my server.

    Anyways I Tried to reason with the guy, but was on the Keyboard Warrior Mode so I muted him. Edited logs below (removed most of the kills n other spam if you want the raw logs let me know)

    As if I want to go on your shitty server ever again. Laggy, empty, and you're clearly abusive, no thanks.

    A) SBHs are only invisible up to a certain point. He wasn't hacking, he literally just threw a C4 on you.

    B) C4 rendering explosions is iffy on servers because it's not considered something that HAS to happen, so sometimes explosions don't draw and when everything catches up, it doesn't bother drawing the effect because it would be weird and out of time.

    C) We still pull a good 80 players on weekends last I checked. RenX isn't dead. Trust me... I've played DEAD games before. When primetime on 3 weekends in a row is 12 people... we can officially call it dead.

    D) .... We have like one actual hacker once in the very very blue moon. Hell, I can only name one in the last 4 months, and he was an exploiter, not even a hacker.

    He ran towards me from across the field like he could see me anyways, people may be able to see me at close range, but frmo his distance, it seems all too convenient for him to end up right ontop of me, ready to throw c4 on me and kill me in a split second.

    Thanks for clarifying on the c4, I even asked if it was bugged or something which would explain it, but instead people acted like wild animals. But like I said, even if this happend, then the explosion should have killed him as well, plus I don't think c4 explodes the split second you place it on someone. He ran up to me, I instantly fell over, the c4 should have killed him since he was right beside me, but it didnt do a thing to him.

    .......... After seeing that... yeah you definitely just got remote C4'd to the face. And it's pretty easy to just back up and not die from your own remotes... especially if the person was just standing there.

    But he didn't back up, he sprinted into me and i instantly died with him tea bagging my dead body. He should have died in the blast as well, but he didn't. I had full hp and armor, and died with c4. And I was standing still for maybe 2 seconds.

    Well, its always funny to see the chat log.

    Here's what I saw from you, as a person. You died, in-game, in a way you did not understand. You do not know the game very well.

    You started instantly to blame people and call them hacker, instead of seeking understanding. And you did not use very nice words.

    What do you expect people will think of you from this event?

    Now I'm going to tell you that: C4 still commonly "bug" and might kill you without VISIBLY exploding -> they DID explode, the explosion just does not render, so it looks like you died out of nowhere. In this game, its very easy for someone to plant a C4 on you if you're not constantly moving, and it can feel like you died out of nowhere 30 seconds later.

    If you had sought, even slightly, to understand this before calling everyone a hacking piece of shit, I would care. But you didn't.

    You're a pretentious troll trying to stir trouble. You wanted to bring your friends over but now you won't? Hah, reaaaaaally?

    Grow up, and go away.

    Had an entire community of 80+ people a year ago that I advertized this game to, a good portion of that community wanted to come play, me and one other guy played, wasn't ready because of the bugs and such, we said fuck it, go back to it later. Community broke up for a few reasons, split into to different communitites and then furthur split again, I am not apart of that community anymore but I retained a good portion of friends from it, along with other friends, they are (or were) interested in this game, now I told them yet again, stay away, maybe in the future.

    You can thank Fredd's actions for that. Can see an invisible person a mile away, runs towards them with lightning speed, rams into them, instantly killing the person, but not taking damage themselves, and then teabags that person and acts like they are someone special. Fuck right off Fredd's.

    I asked if it was a bug, all I got was "lol noob" and mute.

    All I have to say now is, I hope the devs of this game get a nice job somewhere due to this game so their efforts are not in vain. As this community seems to be pure cancer, and nearly dead.

  2. Played it when it first "launched". Was too buggy for me, decided to wait awhile. Been a long while now and it seems to have made some progress.

    Download new version, see only 11 people are online on one server, EKT - Marathon [1], dissapointed to see the population so small. joined their server, played for about 10 minutes, in the enemy base helping team destroy last structure, a guy named Fredd's or something as an engineer runs up to me (im invisible and havent even fired my gun yet), walks into me, I die instantly, he tea-bags me and runs away.

    It said a timed c4 killed me even tho there was no explosion, he didn't shoot me or anything, just walked into me and i fell over dead like I just had a heart attack (had full armor and hp as well), and he proceeded to tea-bag me.

    Clearly hes either hacking, had admin/mod power on the server, or timed c4 is bugged. And even if I am blind and the c4 exploded and killed me, he was standing right next to me as i died so he should have died as well from the c4.

    Asked wtf happend, he lol'ed, called him a hacker, he started spamming that I am a noob, I said no wonder theres no one playing this with the rampant hacking, got muted by the host, "don't worry guys I muted the noob" and I left immediatly.

    Never going back to that server ever again, if I even ever play this game again. Population is dead, and game is filled with hackers, and it's a damn sahme since I was really excited for this game, was rooting for it's makers as well, and all they have to show for their hard work is a handful of active players and half of them hack.

    EDIT: Right after posting this, all the servers have 0 players in them. I feel so bad for the devs to have put all this work into a game no one plays.

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