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  1. I'd be down but timezone means I'll be at work
  2. I added the server name filter. I also added bots, and ability to enter passwords. Having some issues with the refreshing keeping the sort order still. I also made it sexier.
  3. added max player counts and refresh button
  4. For the ping to work it has to run as administrator though it should prompt you as long as the manifest file is in the same folder as the exe. You can always just right click run as administrator as well though. I need to embed the manifest in the exe at some point.
  5. The default sort is just based on the order it gets the json data from the server, but you can sort on any of the columns by clicking on them.
  6. Download Link: http://goo.gl/AMMiEH Update: Gui overhaul, added bot count, added support for passworded servers, added ability to filter on keywords Updated: Moved to github you can report issues / features requests there https://github.com/jbrick/RxLauncher
  7. I'm playing it with a HD 5100 but it doesn't play that well. Have to turn everything to low and play at a low resolution. I imagine an HD3000 would not fare well at all.
  8. I know I'm probably late to the party, but I was wondering if you guys are looking for new developers.
  9. =EA=outerbrick [DETH]rocket ULoWíandemigod [uLoW]rampage ~SI~mr.crash Sync.Hronization [sync]Rampage|L Renebad TheBoss those are all the ones i remember in order lol
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