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Everything posted by KILMASTERXXL

  1. G'day everybody, as you mabye guesed I have a problem with installing the Black Dawn singleplayer campange. Whenever I try to install it I eventually get a message some files failed to extract. I added a picture to show what I mean. The only thing I change with installation is chaning the location ''C:'' to ''D:'' as my internal storage is full. It also took me a long time to download this because of connectivity isseu's (Don't know if important) Some specs that might help: OS: Windows 10 Home 64 Bit Processor: Intel i7 6700 HQ Graphics card: Geforce GTX 960M Any suggestions on what I need to do? Note: I know there is a link that says where I need to go, but it doesn't work for some reason. That is why I came here.
  2. I deleted Beta 4 so I could dowload Beta 5 but what download site I better youse when you live in the Netherlands? I forgot where I downloaded the game previous time.
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