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Posts posted by Highlink

  1. I think a vote option to shuffle teams at the end of the match would be good for overall server health. The last few times I've been on one team has been winning every single match and it gets real old real fast to be on a losing streak in this game.

    • Like 2
  2. I think this is a really neat idea that could be great with further refinement.I think HIHIHI's post above mine hits on a lot of really good points. Some opinions of my own:

    1. I much prefer the idea of the perks being permanent(for the round) rather than tied to a single life. If tied to a single life it would both punish newer players and encourage farming kills over playing the objective. Spending 1000 on a inf and immediately dieing already feels pretty bad, imagine if you finally get that perk you've wanted for 5 minutes and immediately get sniped. My idea for how to handle this would be credits spent on a purchase give you points towards unlocking a perk for that class/vehicle/(even items?), points are also earned as you play as that class/vehicle. When enough points are accrued you can spend the to get a perk improving an aspect of that class/vehicle for the rest of the round. 

    2. The pro-con idea is really appealing but it works against the overall concept in this case. If perks are expensive and hard to earn it may not feel worthwhile to get them if they come with a trade off. Pro-cons would work well if it was like a load-out you picked at the start of the match but that strays away from the core design of Ren-X.

    3. I would avoid perks that directly effect dps or max HP as they will be particular hard to balance likely either feeling worthless or a must pick option invalidating the other choices. This also begins to intrude on the purpose of VP which you laid out as something to be avoided.

    All that said the core concepts laid out here sound pretty cool and I'd love to playtest any implementation of this idea someone throws together.


  3. I've played on and off for years and love 75% of the game but my aim isn't good enough to find much fun in the 25% of the time you are locked in your base with little hope of escape. It is frustrating and unfun to have no options against a team of 1000 credit inf and tanks at the front door often killing you as or even before you leave buildings. It would be fine if this only lasted a minute or two but sometimes it goes on half an hour or more with the team not wanting to surrender. I love the changes over the years like building armor, vet, and commanders and wish I could offer more constructive advice on how to improve on the issue further but I got nothing. Just wanted to vent and this seemed like the thread to do it in, thanks for all the great games over the years and sorry if I have gotten frustrated and lashed out in game to any of you.

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  4. Maybe I have a skewed opinion as I don't fly them very often myself but both gunships already feel quite powerful, even their counters end up losing a fight vs them without extreme range, ambush tactics, or having numbers. And that's not even getting started the difficulty of countering mass apache/orca. By making either even more durable or faster you would exacerbate this problem unless their offensive capability was also nerfed.

    My suggestion would be try and specialize them slightly more towards either anti-inf or anti-veh to further define their role. They currently both serve as potent anti-everything specialized in hit and run which matches the theme but leaves them in an odd state where they counter their counters, esp inf who can be deleted in a single volley if caught exposed. I am a very offense focused player and like to be in the frontlines so maybe my issue with them is only because they do well in countering my general playstyle.

    • Confused 1
  5. I would like to propose the idea of reducing the power of repair guns aimed on same target beyond a certain number, something like repair power of 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 so with 4 adv. engi the total reps would be 14 instead of 16, with 8 it would be only be 20 instead of 32.

    I find repairing buildings during a siege to be an unfun yet necessary mechanic and without major changes to the game it needs to stay. I believe this change would encourage a more active play style especially later in a match when some players choose to afk repair instead of play. Once a team is reduced to a single building often a game can stagnate with one team stuck playing defense unable to leave their own base alive and with very limited options yet this state can last upwards of 15 minutes with a low chance of anything being accomplished. Personally I find these moments as some of the lowest points in Renegade X and extremely frustrating, I believe even a small change to try and reduce or shorten these situations should be encouraged. Additionally it's worth noting that this change would also make it harder to disarm a beacon found at the last second with a mass of engis, I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing but it's worth considering.


  6. First off thanks a ton for this game. It's amazing what Totem Arts has done here.

    -Increase Stank range.

    -Reduce the health or repair speed of the Orca/Apache to keep them from effectively being able to spawn camp a team when they gain critical mass.

    -Increase Gunner damage to buildings.

    -Nerf sidearms on Engineers/Tech/Hottie (Not sure what the best way to to this is).

    -Increase points for killing infantry and vehicles to dissuade base entrance camping and increase effect of power plays in the field.

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