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Posts posted by Tarvin

  1. I hadn't considered the AFK aspect there. A possible way to overcome that would be to give a limited charge for how long a repair gun can energize the mct for increase credit generation. Once the charge runs out, it would begin a slow recharge and wouldn't be available until fully recharged.  This way the benefit of afk repairing would be limited. If an additional condition was made that the player had to actually leave the building before the recharge began, it could eliminate the afk exploit altogether and encourage players to go do other things.

  2. I agree changing them could lead to issues and they are fairly well balanced as is. The only reason I brought this up was because of what I've seen happen in low-pop matches where proxies being placed are the only reason why the 2 or 3 people on one team are able to have some degree of base defense when they go on attack. If the Bar or Hon is destroyed, one or two usually would have to focus solely on base defense to keep others from falling.

    I guess since I've thought it out further, the core of the idea is to avoid situations where a player is forced into a role without being able to join attacks.

    The secondary issue is when the player previously responsible for mining the base decides to switch to a more offensive role ... only to find that no one else took on the role, forcing a switch from a 1000 credit character back to a hottie or tech. Purchasable mines would allow for more flexibility in these cases and would be cheaper than switching characters temporarily just to put a few mines.

  3. There's few things that can derail a team more than being baselocked or losing the ref early game. Either of these can make a match an entirely one-sided affair. My idea to get around this is add an additional capability to the ref that only is active when the ref is either destroyed or the harvester is disabled.

    The capability is to generate credits more quickly when a repair gun is being used on the terminal up to a maximum rate that would have to be play-tested to be somewhat less than would come in if the harvester were functioning and bringing in Tiberium.

    The duty of manning the ref for credits would probably be self-balancing as people who have enough credits to buy things would leave and others in need of more would take over the post until they can purchase what they want. The idea isn't that the baselocked team would be able to go completely toe-to-toe with the other team, but would have a fighting chance to break out and take the field long enough to get their harvester going again. For a team that has had their ref destroyed, it would at least give a bit more of a fighting chance to even the playingfield by striking back at the enemy base.

    One other credit related tweak would be geared to make it easier for players to jump into the action with already in-progress games. The idea is that once a team's harvester has made at least one trip to the refinery with Tiberium, any players joining the game would receive one Tiberium  loads worth of credits. This would allow them to jump right into the match more quickly. This may also be good to apply to people who switch teams or anyone who leaves the game (like due to the sound bug) and lost their credits when they return (or ends up on the other team).

  4. The focus of this idea is to allow people to obtain proxy mines for base defense after the HON or Bar are destroyed, but I agree, a nice price point would have to be found that keeps Hotwires or Techs from being devalued. That's why I estimated about half the cost of those units. If you want to mine more than just one regular 2 entrance building, you'd be better off going for the units rather than the mines.

  5. In truth, a lot of players that aren't good at placing proxy mines ... do anyhow (maybe we should make a guide on that?). Some of these players may decide to 'help' anyhow and leave vulnerabilities, but, the nice thing about this way of doing it, having to purchase limited numbers at a time, players who are spending their credits on characters and vehicles won't want to put their credits into something like limited proxy mines. This would leave it to players focusing on defense, who often have credits to spare from mainly patrolling their own base and are likely the more experienced mine layers.

  6. It's been mentioned in the past about how difficult games can get when no one has the ability to put proximity mines on a team, especially if there's not enough people to fully cover a base and still attack.

    My idea is that proximity mines, in batches of 4 would be available for purchase at terminals as stand alone items. These could not be replenished through the resupply option but much be repurchased when used up. This would allow for people to maintain base defenses more easily and would allow for defensive minded players to maintain defenses even while playing as characters other than Hotwire or Technician. More importantly, it would make proxy mines available even after Bar or HON destruction.

    I think the balance in this would have to come from the price of the mines, otherwise it would lesson the value of the Hotwire and Technician. Buying stand alone mines would have to be a bit on the expensive side, meaning buying 2 or 2 1/2 batches would equal the cost of buying these characters outright. The mines coming in batches of 4 would allow someone to fully mine the WF, PP, Ref, Bar, or Hon without ramps. The other buildings, AF, OB, AGT would only require 2 mines at minimum for coverage so the extra for them could be applied elsewhere.

  7. I know there's a lot here and it was a lot to sift through at once, so I'm sorry if I don't address something that was already brought up.

    My first thought when I saw the idea of an infantry unit harvesting resources was to ask a question. Do they get shoes?

    My second thought is rehashing the point that others raised about how if the opposing team already holds the field enough to force a harvester pause, infantry wouldn't fair well either trying to harvest raw tiberium. The only ones I could see getting away with it, lore-wise, would be the chem troopers because they're the only ones suited up to deal with the radiation.

    But at the same time, the enemy shutting off access to the field or destroying the ref (especially if the ref is lost early-game) can make it almost impossible to launch a counter attack. It's especially annoying when you join a game in progress and end up on a team where the ref was already lost. You're basically stuck using free characters against top-tier enemy infantry and tanks.

    My idea for this, inspired by what else has been said and the problem being brought up by ~Mystic, fits with the established lore of the series. The idea is rooted in the passive income tick from the refinery. My head-cannon to justify this tick is that the refinery takes time to further process the leftovers after Tiberium deliveries. This results in the continual small intake of credits that are enough for infantry, but wouldn't amount to much to construct a base on.

    Getting to it, my idea is that if the harvester is disabled by the commander, the refinery will switch modes to focus more heavily on the further processing of more difficult to break down Tiberium in its storage tanks. Only, it wouldn't do this on it's own, potentially. The extra energy and processing power to carry out this task would come from an engineer (or more) that would focus their repair guns on the repair terminal.

    In the event the Refinery is destroyed, engineers working the repair terminal would enable the remaining systems within the refinery to carry out minimal operations enough to restore the passive revenue tick to the team, or at least speed it up because there seems to be at least a tiny amount of revenue after it's gone.

    One nice thing about these ideas, the revenue generated would be distributed to the team and wouldn't enrich any one individual directly.

  8. Being able to steal enemy vehicles is great fun and has always been a part of Renegade that I think should stick around. It's just the vehicle stealing thieves on your own team that are the problem.

    One thing I neglected to mention is that when the thief stole my apache, it clearly said "Tarvin's Apache" on the text of the vehicle, so the ownership was still linked to me. Could there be hacks that enable jerks to get around vehicle locks? I think a developer input would be great here to explain the mechanics of what's happening.

  9. Great! And thanks for the feedback. It's nice to see a developer directly responding to ideas. I think it shows how dedicated the team is to the fan base.

    As to the not moving, what if there were two ways to get to the screen? The standard M in which you can still move. The other hotkey would be a more dedicated commander screen for setting the waypoints and sending commander messages.

    Speaking of which, and slightly off topic, how do you do that? I saw it once in the commander tutorial when I experimented with it on a solo skirmish map, but forgot and can't seem to find it in the in-game help.

  10. The enemies using locked vehicles I don't have a problem with, in fact, I've been the vehicle thief a few glorious times.

    But you have to specifically lock a vehicle every time you get out and get back in? I wasn't aware of that possibility because the vehicle still says that it is owned by me and that it is still locked. I make it a habit to check if the locked notice is on my vehicle when I get in and I've still lost them to theft. Could one of the developers clarify on this?

  11. This following scenario played out on Walls. I landed my apache, repaired it, and then ran into the nearest terminal in the HON so I could heal my character. I got back just in time to see some jerk jump into my apache and was able to join him as the passenger in my own vehicle. I used the "Get out of the vehicle" chat a few times as he continued to fly ... and promptly got my apache destroyed.

    This has happened to me a few times and it's never any less frustrating that even if you get into your own stolen vehicle, you can't do a damn thing to get it back. Would it be possible to allow the owner of a vehicle to take control of the vehicle by pressing 1 in the same way command of vehicles can be taken away from AI players?

    Also, maybe a countdown timer that would give you exclusive rights to your vehicle (if it's still locked) for a short time after exiting it to decrease the frequency of this happening and make it easier for players to retake stolen vehicles?

  12. lol. I got that much. When I was a designer we used Unity, which, even at the time, was more advanced than what Renegade X was made in.

    I just don't quite follow why it would require changing the size of the text box when there is open space to work with if the building icons were shifted up a bit ... Then again, I'm basing my experience off of Unity that had drag and drop menu utilities that could be put into games among other development aids.

  13. I've discovered some things by mistake and had no idea about others. I think we could use some additional tooltips for things like the map screen, chat shortcuts, and such.

    I don't know about others, but I tend to learn by jumping right in and I imagine a lot of new players would do the same. Not many would take the time to study the commands given most FPS games have the same basic controls. Ren is a bit special in that it has some extra features most don't have.

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  14. I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets frustrated when my fellow tankers get the rubber tank syndrome in which they bounce back out of combat the instant they take damage even in the middle of a push. So, why not add a new command power?!

    Forward Momentum!

    All tankers lose the ability to reverse but forward speed is increased by half! Perfect for putting an end to those annoying base entrance bottlenecks!

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