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Posts posted by Dredd

  1. While both Buildings the Weaponsfactory and the Airtstrip both destroy the undeployed vehicles upon arival of a newly spawned vehicle the Airstrip does this especially on the map X Mountain. When the Harvester gets of the Airstrip it does it so slowly (because it has to turn around) that new incoming vehicles destroy it. The same with ppl who get into their vehicles before they are fully deployed. They try to turn their vehicles around while at the same time the dropship gets in and destroys them. Happend several times during gameplay which puts NOD at a disatvantage especially during early game

    On the one hand just turning the airstrip around would make the difference on the other it will make the way much longer from the airstrip building towards your vehicle.

    I know this isn't top prio but would be nice if you could change it.

    Btw I couldn't use the search function.

  2. Today I was able do change my Name with the "setname " command.

    Open your console or just use the chat Button F2 or F3 - delete "typeMSG" and then type in the command above.


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