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Everything posted by Pfann

  1. Well i reinstalled it and used the mod for installing maps. now it works. Thanks
  2. Well for more informations. I downloaded some maps and just puted the complete files into the folders example cnc-fallen.zip unpacked the UDKGame into UDKGame in the game folder. Thats all i did. Maybe there are some more options what i have to do?
  3. hello. i got the next problem. Server wont startup after map/modinstall
  4. Danke dir es hat geklappt Thanks the Problem is solved
  5. Hello. I hope its just a simple thing ^^ My server have no ping? so is there a way to fix it? ( --- This is a screenshot form the Launcher --- ) Now i see ingame he isnt listed how to fix that?
  6. Thx yoou all! I solved the problem simply by reinstalling the game.
  7. Dont work i gave all full permissions.
  8. now i have this error
  9. not really
  10. Hi. I made a long break. Now i hosted my own server and would try to join. So i installed the game. I try to start and boom nothing happen. Here some pics Here the logfile
  11. Pfann

    Bots dont repair

    well i waited the game long they didnt repair ;(
  12. Pfann

    Bots dont repair

    Hello, currently i play mich time with bots. But i never seen they repair buildings why? and can i ativate it ?
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