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Everything posted by Tokiyo

  1. CT irc log in game 3[22] * Now talking in #renx-mara [22] 08"Cuck_Shed" killed 04ThunderElemental (08GDI Officer/Chain Gun vs 04Flame Trooper). [22] 08"Scarabioz" killed 04Super-kh (08Patch/Tactical Rifle vs 04Nod Soldier). [22] 12Host0: Chat with us on our IRC at irc.ConstructiveTyranny.com! 01[22] !msg someone banned me again [22] 12Host0: Tokiyo@IRC: someone banned me again [22] 08MARIUSZ destroyed a 04Mobile Artillery (12Mobile Rocket Launcher System). [22] 08biddi killed 04Lead (08GDI Shotgunner/Shotgun vs 04Flame Trooper). [22] 08Chlenix: Lol [22] 04TheJoker killed 08Chlenix (04Nod Soldier/Automatic Rifle vs 08GDI Marksman). [22] 04bamsbaldie: ? [22] 08"Scarabioz" killed 04bacon placed (08Patch/Fire Burn vs 04Technician). [22] <+[CT]Vertiso> !kick tokiyo ill put you on a ban again if you keep rejoining IRC conv with vertiso 21:06] <[CT]Vertiso> talk to yosh [21] <[CT]Vertiso> hes the one who made the decision [21] <[CT]Vertiso> and only he or b0ng can unban [21] <[CT]Vertiso> but after your post on the forums [21] <[CT]Vertiso> accusing him of racism [21] <[CT]Vertiso> they decided your permanently banned [21] <[CT]Vertiso> and they wont change their mind so im not sure if theres any point in you talking to them [21] <[CT]Vertiso> I mean I knwo your global ban is lifted [21] <[CT]Vertiso> but I think your still banned from CT servers 01[21] hmm [21] <[CT]Vertiso> in fact im sure your still banned from ct servers ill check now [21] <[CT]Vertiso> You should know, nearly all of CTs moderators will kick you as soon as your in game, unless b0ng or yosh tells us to allow you in [21] <[CT]Vertiso> The general feeling is you are a cheater 01[21] what do you think [21] <[CT]Vertiso> Not up to me to decide [21] <[CT]Vertiso> Im a mod for b0ng and yosh , I just follow the rules set down for me. 1[22] so [22] <[CT]Vertiso> so ? 01[22] still kick [22] <[CT]Vertiso> yes 01[22] ok AND PLEASE DONT ACCUSE SOMEONE WHEN YOU ARE THE ONE TO BLAME dont ban vertiso for this he is only doing what you guyz are telling him to do
  2. Today i, Tokiyo recieved a private message from a dev saying my global ban has lifted and im free to play renx again and they would like me to play again.Since im a renegade addict and cant get a fix without playing it,i take upon these generous offer redownloaded the renegade x and the patch again, after playing a map, i was kicked again from the server for no reason, the server im referring to is constructive tyranny the only populated server in the whole renx server list.i been warned if i joined server i will be perm banned again I would really like devs and mods to stop insulting and treating me like this,I dont like to say the word racist but sure as hell feels like it. All i can say is renx devs has succeed in hurting me deeply. All Yosh has to do was stop telling me to play this game but you had to humiliate me in front of the renegade community all over again. I wont be defending this time, you can bash me all around,lock the topic ,delete the thread whatever you want,there wont be any repercussions from me. Sayonara Toks
  3. As i said im a lone player in a community of devs you can all speak ill of me or anything to justify yoshs action,all he needed was a reason to ban me,he always had an axe for me now he has done it. The irc conversation between vertiso and me was a joke between us.Lots of the player does that (play in game to know that),if player1 get killed with headshot by player2 the player1 says hax and player2 says sure bro If that irc conversation made Yosh to ban me globally and you guyz justify that,then sure mods and devs. Im the bad guy crucify me @profane the only hack i ever used was SKILL @Yagi whats with going off loudly,Im just making a point that devs shouldnt ban players globally without any indication.I used forums cause i cant go to every server and beg for unban,i totally exploited all my options before coming and shouting this at the forum well cause no one was being even reasonable or give a crap.And im never coming back,the only last remaining thread is this forum page RypeL people talks about hacks all the time and no one ever cares about it,you should play enough games or see chats to see it and no one bans globally for that. The reason i posted this forum for Devs to show some respect to their players and to avoid global banning for silly things. Justify Yosh all you want and blame me however you suffice.Since all of you think the Yoshs actions were justified i dont have anymore to say,as i said i already left renx
  4. AS i said ,he always wanted a reason for kicking and banning me from the servers as if vertiso(benjamin button) didnt know i was tokiyo,we were having fun.Btw the irc proof yosh badgering about is from the walls map and we had xmountain before that and other players killed me plenty of times including benjaminbutton and had recordemo command drawn in the server To the people who thinks im immature ,really globally banning a player from renegade x community for no reason apparently is so mature.Apparently no one knows WHAT GLOBAL BAN IS? " you need to realize Yosh lives in Japan and how it's 6:30 AM there right now and he's probably not ignoring you but he's probably hungover/sleeping." IF HE REALLY THINKS HE BANNED A HACKER HE GOES AFK THE SECOND HE DOES THAT pllzzzz and look @ the irc logs he so presented himself and look @ the time on it. I got on the irc the second i got banned and pmed half of the guyz on the irc, first one was yosh and he didnt even respond.He also wont respond to my pm's while he is in game(too busy playing).i live in india so i know the time difference. Apparently only AFK to me Session Start: Fri Jan 08 22:41:53 2016 Session Ident: Jean-ClaudeVanDamme 01[22] jean [22] ? 01[22] H3KR is me why ban [22] i did not ban you 01[22] who did [22] I dont know [22] but I would ask Yosh [22] I saw him most recently, best person to ask Session Close: Fri Jan 08 22:50:56 2016 Maybe its a racist thing,i came from india and all who really knows.Honestly i dont care anymore,im sickin tired of defending me against the whole community of devs and mods, as i said earlier im just a player(a lone one at that) without any accomplishment. To the peoples whos defending Yosh this is all you have to know I quit playing renegade x the moment i got banned(cant play anyway) ,so everybody can relax not going to play renagadex in any possible future (got some pride left)and no more critisicm and sniping To the people who really knows me I tried my best @ resolving this ban pmed all moderators ,talked to the devs and mods since its a global ban they couldnt do anything or didnt care @ all(since im just a player and nuisance to some devs) so i posted this on renx forums .All i can say to the renegadex community is that you just lost one of the loyal player who plays with bots and fills up the server everyday and plays 6hrs a day. @Glacius got some self respect left man no thanks.Not going to play a game which has no respect for players @ campin jeff nothing like that bro and no th,did i ever do any stuff like that while we played together. @Yosh console yourself saying that it was the reason for a global ban. A request to RenegadeCommunity plz dont give any devs(sensitive ones) or moderators power to do a global ban unless through a global vote or through a forum vote.I always see some abuse and now being a victim of one. Look that they censored a joke about a program that doesnt even exist,OMG how much mockery or tease a player have to suffer in this community On another note thought RypeL locked this Thanks for the game. Toks
  5. Oh plz i was the one that got banned for no reason,he wasnt responding to me in irc,nor in the game, i really dont care what you think of me it isnt a show or a loud cry but you are entitled to your opinion .This isnt about going big,THIS IS ABOUT DEVS AND MODS showing RESPECT to players,the very entity that make your game a game. If you cannot really understand that you can tell me its all my fault ,hey i m just a player(a lone player in the forum) i really dont have qualification but that doesnt mean you can pound on me whenever you feel like "but it sounds like you just want to try and go out as loud as possible, when you neither have to go out nor be loud about it." Oh dude its just A game,the whole world dont revolve around renx atleast not for me.
  6. It is look name H3KR, doesnt matter anyway .I really dont like to be under mercy of an immature dev who globally bans me for no reason. This is the irc conv of another dev whom i approached for help(ashamed of myself ) 1[22] hi [22]
  7. YOSH has banned my IP address globally hence preventing from joining any server.I have different opinion about these updates,if you dont like it say that to me on my face rather than not answering irc and banning me globally from playing renx again.If this is the kind of behaviour i except from developers and moderators in the renegade x i say good riddance. I really dont have to explain these to anyone,i have nothing against the games or the moderators in the CT server.Wish the game a good future. Bye Forever, Toks
  8. lol i said to u guys he was a cheater
  9. And i dont meant any disrespect to anyone i love devs they r cool yeah and he was shootin lookin down,And yes i'm sneaky
  12. Dont u guys wanna know from where he sniped look time frame
  13. Should i say out loud
  14. i dont wanna respond anymore seems like i am the only one who dont like this rebalancing in game so kindly close this topic
  15. Tokiyo

    Custom Music

    Some mod said some dev said its possible
  16. Its seems like gdi now have all the fun they have better infs and tanks(cough nod fan)
  17. Play with machine gun pistol and tell me it cant kill a 1000 inf with a single mag
  18. Tokiyo

    Custom Music

    Will i be able to add custom music to renagade x juke box,if then plz say how and which format is needed
  19. Will there any upcoming updates to rebalance game ,But seriously MACHINE PISTOL IS WAAAY OOOPPPP
  20. First of all, i would like to thank every developers out there for giving us renx beta 4,It is way smoother(fluid) compared to B3,love the graphics,sounds and new additions.Yes i love all u guys as a gamer,I mean who else gives such a wonderful game for free. BUT really hate the over powering of free infs, I personally use 500 class sniper i dont really care about the nerfing of 1000 class units, but the free class are now so OP its ridiculous to play with credit paid infs, u can easily kill a 1000 class unit with a machine pistol (pffff) . Grenaders and Shot gunners need two shots to kill an inf from 10 feet or more,I dont even want to say about Marksman,Coming to the vehicles the word " REALLY " comes to mind ,are they made of cardboards. The game play is so unbalanced now, i don't even wanna play. I really love this game and i want to play even more,but playing with paid infs is utterly rediculous now.This is just my opinion but the game really needs some balancing
  21. Tokiyo


    here is the video
  22. We were trying to find out glitches in goldrush,we found a ship in this search,the images are below enjoy Out of the map,out of the world,last pic shows me and packet near ship which is further away from gdi powerplant
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