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Posts posted by maxcheese3

  1. I was wondering if anyone could provide the appropriate code to summon the new vehicles in skirmish. I want to try them out however its not so easy to do that online right now. This (http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=74707&p=145443&hilit=a10#p145443) shows how to summon a lot of things in skirmish, but I cant figure out what to use for the new TS vehicles. I tried obvious names like titan and wolverine, but no dice. Thanks for the help!

  2. Well as for the mines near the MCT, a hotty has a repair gun that happens to excel at disarming mines, and chances are you got in undetected if you do it right so you'll have plenty of time to disarm them if they happen to be there.

    Also a good tactic is to place an ion in the 2nd floor or on the roof in order to distract the enemy while you fall through roof and lay c4 on MCT. One way or another that airstrip is gonna blow.

    In real life it'd be even easier than in the game to get in there. You would simply bust out the window, lean over and grab the ledge, and crawl into the 2nd floor. Once youre in there 10 feet isnt high at all. Grab the ledge and drop down and now suddenly your feet are only 2 feet off the ground.

    Also I'm pretty sure this was all possible in the original Ren too. Dont have a copy installed to test but i think i remember doing that in it too.

  3. I was just playing on lakeside and i noticed whoever had mined, mined the bar incorrectly cause they mined by the sandbags and not by the doors so they enemy could just walk on the ramps in hop right in without being scathed. Well we all know improper mining is a serious problem to the gameplay. And right now, often, the only real solution is to remine the whole base. Which is annoying as crap. So i was thinking this.

    What if when a player notices noob mining they can call up a team vote that grants them temporary the ability to temporarily disarm team mines? Like they call up the 30 second vote, state their reasoning in the team comments, and then likely the team will vote yes. Then lets say that gives them this ability for like 1 minute or 2, then it gets taken away.

    This could really help with getting rid of excess useless mines, which on a map with a limit of 40, you need every mine you can get.

    Ive read some other ideas on the forums too about mining fixes, and some of them are pretty good but i dont remember anyone suggesting this exactly. Let me know what you guys think.

    EDIT: Also outro for Volcano should have the volcano erupting and the whole map being washed over by lava. That would be amazing.

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