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Everything posted by ljl87

  1. I actually meant Shadows are stuck in Ultra High and the game couldn't change the settings...... Still a lot of bugs there.....
  2. I dont seem to see what i needed there.
  3. I dont know where to find the right file to fix.
  4. reinstalled but not working.
  5. Ill try reinstalling the game with the first problem =(.
  6. Request permission from klepacki =) the song is GOOD. TIB SUN SONGS ARE THE SEX
  7. One, Started the gamz with laucha. BUILT WITH UDK problemo. Two, 5.002 after update shadows are sort of Jammed* to ultra high. Making my FPS droping below 30 =(
  8. On teh othe hand, WALLS NEEDS A SILO bitchas at the MID and GODRUSH needs some backdoor AND AGT.... AG F****** T balance cos two flamers in 15 v 15 match or one in 5 v 5 matches = agt fcked. Canyon needs to be renamed from gdiyon to balanceyon. COS GDI CAN BLOW US INTO SOLID HUNKS THERE HELP US AND HELP DA BROHOOD OF NOD. KANE LIVES IN DEATH. Da Inner Circle Propaganda Division, ljl87
  9. 1) Testman's suggestion is indeed ingenious. Naming ze new map Mesa III can solve ze problemo ez. 2) Under needs more room for infiltration, cos there is only a route for infiling and infiltrators like me can be ez detected by enemies....... thats why I hate under..... , on second though wf MUST BE MOVED to ensure nod arties can blow it into solid hunks =) 3) F*** that invis shit 4) The design of complex is interesting indeed.. Shit tons of room for infiling but ony 3 buildings...... so if there are slightly a peewee bit more players playing complex infilling is impossible to accomplish...... unless u op as fuck and grab the op silo and grab the op flechette and shoot GDI foot soldier's heads off... Fully agree with mid no tnks. But I think we should make the map longer so that GDI SCUM meds can f*** the shit off NOD if we didn't spawn our lt's or stanks...... MAP LONGER AND TNKS CANT GO THROUGH MID.
  10. Stank lock on is quite shitty... it needs ze buff.... can evan lock on orca's properly....... Increasing casualties for the brotherhood. Regards, The Inner Circle Propaganda Division
  12. Brother you are right, the knowledge of using kane's prized possession is going to accelerate the speed of kane's ultimate goal, ascension. Since stanks are invisible, ze weak GDI orcas will not see the missiles comin until he sees kane's wrath shootin into his face. Stanks are already OP shit, even tho if kane's arsenal can receive a buff, let kane's weapons receive ze buff. For Kane For NOD for his one vision and one purpose. The Inner Circle Propaganda Division, ljl87
  13. Just Fix it before the next beta or launch =P
  14. Kane wishes to see tiberium core missiles loaded onto his stealth tanks, and the messiah shall have upgraded stealth tanks on his disposal. Nobody wants to disappoint kane or he shall suffer the wrath of the brotherhood. Peace through power. One vision, one purpose.
  15. The jesus pic you included is ascension lol. https://www.google.com/search?q=ascension&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAkQ_AUoA2oVChMI2trxnZHkxgIVhHCOCh29FwIz&biw=1366&bih=643#imgrc=NDVwmj-u6XmTeM%3A
  16. Fix: If you have lost the mine weapon and cannot refill it, go to the PT and switch to Grenades in the top corner below pistol and leave the PT. You will now have nades. Now, go to PT and switch grenades back to mines, same place top corner. I had already know the fix above before I read your comment. =) Its still annoying tho especially early game where you would have to mine the entire base asap.
  17. Agreed. These spots make nukes almost impossible to disarm and detect.
  18. Whenever I use a hottie/techie and refill everythinx mines disappear from me loadout....... must fix..... super annoying for a miner.....
  19. Those are all possibilities, yes.. but they don't have the highest of chances of completely changing the game in the 1st 2 minutes. Already mentioned this to B0ng, and will probably pass it along to get edited so that TS vehicles/vehicles in general are less likely to drop in the early game. Honestly, Hover MRLS on Walls at the beginning basically forces the other team into their base to repair that insane damage. I have been in a match when a dude got lucky and got an early wolverine. Cnc- Canyon I think and he just put us in an extremely bad tactical position during early gamez. Must be nerfed, especially playing at constructive tyranny X5 tib sun vehicle crate spawn rate server.
  20. Silo's are already nerfed...... If you want the map to work you would prob need 2 silos. Other than that I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS TO JUST GET AN INF ONLY MAP.
  21. Same problem........ Too frustrated.
  22. Devs themselves even confirmed that beta 2 to 3. Many people left the game. "We realize that our players have dwindled significantly since our February release: we went from having 400-1000 players on at a time to just 40-80 players. You can still catch a good game of Renegade X at almost any part of the day, but we want to have a large, thriving, self-sufficient community. Perhaps the biggest cause of the population shrink is the crashing, which became too annoying for many people to bear. We believe we have fixed those problems. Another cause was ingame exploits, and we’ve since developed some countermeasures to the use of exploits. A third reason is that C&C mode – which is very different from what gamers are used to nowadays – perhaps did not appeal to some of the newcomers." From cnc-comm.com by FOBBYGEN.
  23. Im already frustrated of crashing problems and low fps since beta 3. Now this s*** happens? Computer specs are actually not much related to this issue. Checked firewall and downloaded twice.
  24. Too much problems.
  25. Doesn't work =( ....... Probs the reason less and less are playing.
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