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Everything posted by atomizer

  1. mapping could be an option, and it's something i really like doing, though i'd have to learn the editor as i've only used QuarK and Hammer previously (i have no modeling experience) the only game graphics i've done was for HL:DM and CS:S and that was limited to mostly HUD stuff back when the HUD used image files (crosshairs, icons, etc.) for graphics i use GIMP and InkScape, but i'm no expert! don't think i have anything to really show off, other than some icons i've made which you can find in the 'Screenshots' section here... 12bytes.org/software/traytrix thanks for the reply! i'll check out what tools are used for Unreal 3 level editing
  2. @Kriemhild - i believe the devs already made it clear in previous threads that it will not be released to STEAM before it's ready (stable) @RypeL - i know the "when will it be ready/stable" question is usually frowned upon, but because i have no intention of installing STEAM ever again, and i would like to play this game, i am wondering if you could offer a rough time estimate of when it might be released on STEAM? if it's a couple months, than i'll probably pass, but if it's more like a year or more, i'd be interested in not only playing, but also contributing to the development process in terms of documentation, simple graphics (like sprites/HUD), and possibly some other minor things (i can't code)
  3. i understand that RenX is slated to be released on STEAM at some point in the future my question is, will those of us that "dislike" (and that's putting it very mildly in my case) STEAM still be able to download/play/update the game without STEAM? tia
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