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Everything posted by com2ghz

  1. This might occasionally work but more times than not, I see people doing this and the vehicles remain empty in the base. Sometimes the opposing team comes up with a rush while a player is buying vehicles for others this way. Realize that upon production, the vehicle is locked for 20 seconds for the purchaser, but not for the opposing team. Many times this caused a drawback; the opposing team rushes, few of their vehicles get killed but the drivers rush towards the emty vehicles and continue the rush. To prevent such happenings, I make it a habit of putting timed C4's on the empty vehicles after i entered it. If it takes more than 30 seconds for someone to enter it and join the advance, it's too late. But imo a vehicle destroyed is better than handed to the enemy. I think the difference is that I'm organizing a rush. Like calling ppl to enter those vehicles and go rushing with a group. Leaving empty vehicles is dumb.
  2. Sometimes you're in a full server and you see 0 or 1 vehicles on the field. No one buys then and the match takes ages and gets boring. For example C&C_fields, ppl playing in tunnels while the fields is empty and no one rushes. Its like $1000 character war. I've done it alot and prepairing single type vehicle rush. Like buying 4 flamers or arti's and gather ppl so we can rush or at least supressing the opponent. As GDI its MRLS and meds. This caused always some activity from our team. Each time when I did this, it was effective so other ppl also buy vehicles and joining the rush. It's really boring when you see 1 flamer going for a suicide trip to a mammy. Mostly the vehicle cap is at 11 or 15. It's a shame if we don't even hold the half of the cap. Matches are getting boring then. Maybe because of the new players who didn't play the old Renegade. Just as our whole team lone wolfing while our tanks getting raped because there are no engineers repairing it. I think there are also some balance problems causing these things, but that's another problem I play this game since 2003 and since the current beta I started to play Renegade X alot (name = Insanity). The game is getting more fun when you orginize small rushes. Last time I gathered with 4 Gunners and killed the PP in a minute.
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