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Everything posted by errni

  1. You'd be suprised how hard it is to get good, 'explaining' screencap material. I'll take your scenario into consideration, but I'd need to stage it myself. Of course it's hard. That's why companies hire many people to do that. There's much more to it than just slapping four images together and calling it a promo. If you want to do it good, you have to put some effort. Also if you need people just ask.
  2. This looks unappealing and says nothing about the gameplay. If I had to make a poster I would put an uncloaked SBH somewhere on a hill with a GDI base in the background and throw a text saying something about infiltrating it (or just destroying) as a catchphrase.
  3. That's painful to read. Don't use colour.
  4. Maybe instead of coming up with ideas limiting people you should think up something creative to destroy the tank instead? If you manage to destroy it with rocket soldier a couple of times there is a good chance it will eventually give up.
  5. Not yet. Wait until the game leaves the beta stage so people might not potentially think it's still bugged to some greater extent, as people in other threads said. Also don't advertise it on huge websites. Personally I wouldn't like to be overwhelmed by complete amateurs who might not adapt for even a couple of weeks. They would also not be able to witness real gameplay and be more likely to leave.
  6. When a player connects after WF/Airstrip is destroyed he cannot receive an air drop. The time counter goes below zero and never enables the vehicle purchase menu.
  7. You can trigger the action you want by setting up a Rcon bot which would handle the command and then send a Rcon to the server. The dirty way would be to create an empty console variable that would take following format setchar [playerName] [charName] Your script code would monitor that variable for any changes every 10 miliseconds. When a player types !sniper in chat the bot would handle that message and send the command setchar examplePlayerName sniper to the server. After that your script would make the proper action and clear the variable. This is again the dirty way of achieving that and perhaps there are much better, cleaner methods but to learn them you have to read the UE3 scripting reference yourself. I don't have any experience with UnrealScript nor the engine. Maybe it allows you to register a console event that would call the function only when needed.
  8. How radical.
  9. I remember a mod, which I used to play a lot, that died miserably because of gameplay simplifications made by server owners. It's a dangerous phenomenon and I am entirely against such servers.
  10. Well... there are always some players that don't vote at all. Making passing a vote harder, as you propose, would make this feature rather useless because they would almost always fail. I think that one minute is too few. That duration would be enough if votes were blocked globally. If it really has to be the limit per player then the block should last at least two minutes. There might be others that keep calling vote not only one person. Both techniques can be also implemented but server admins would have to be given the option to choose one of them, if they want.
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