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  1. "we" is just me and my colleagues! Cool will look into it We gonna print it out and have it for tactics
  2. Something like walls and islands ?
  3. Hi guys, We were wondering if we could download/get an overview of the maps? From above?
  4. Maybe we can do a crowdfunding to get a better protected server, or solution? How much do we need? The community seems strong enough these days :-) My two collagues just got another wine and were like, "shit this is so awesome"
  5. Say what So....how can we find a solution for it? Do the DDOS happen often? I remember like a year ago the attacks also happened...KANE is mad?
  6. Hi guys, I convinced two colleagues to play ren x and they love it, but a lot of times its still impossbible to join a game. The servers are there, the latest version installed, good internet connection, but nothing happens when clicking "join server". Also when refreshing the servers show up pretty filled, all good, but nothing happens when trying to join a server. Also when entering a server through the launcher it just loads to renegade x main menu, thats it. Is this a regular thing? yo!
  7. It`s a combo. Ali55, bro, what is your CPU? Tell us.
  8. Ali55, Turn you settings to lowest and your resolution also, about 800x600. If that does not work, you maybe need a faster card.
  9. a small part of my work is here: http://www.coroflot.com/benavides For example, a collaboration with Humster3D is on the way. They got like 75k followers already! http://humster3d.com/category/3dmodels/military/ This is my latest work, on 9gag people are still debating haha http://9gag.com/gag/a4LnL0w?ref=w.upvotenoti
  10. Hi guys, In order to get more people to Renegade-X I want to incorporate an AWESOME Renegade-X rendering in my unique Kickstarter on a high-end hyper-realistic-rendering course. Already I have different blogs with over 100.000 followers backing this project!!! Does anyone have a Renegade-X model for me? Or can I find them somewhere in the RenX folders? Been playing Renegade since it came out and it really deserves a showcase. Greets!
  11. Wow so no other way? Thats a shame, my audio is ok but I cant really hear the Boink sound well which is - ofcourse - a fun apart of the game
  12. Its sooooooooooooo soft How do I make the boink sound louder guys?
  13. Do I need to modify the root files in UDKgame/Config? But wherre? This was possible with the old ren and so much fun So my question is: how do i raise the volume of just the boink sound? greets! and keep up the good workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  14. Hi guys, I tried following the instructions from OP. When I unzip the wrapper Renegade X 0.2.app.7z I get the error: Could not extract the resource fork for the file "Renegade X 0.2.app.7z". The file could not be opened. When I click continue it goes on and installs the game, but when starting Renegade X it fails and gives the UDK-error: The program UDK.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. What to do? How can I read a .log file? Greets!!
  15. yep, noted too!
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