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Everything posted by CorpDriven

  1. It seems like a pretty cool game. I usually play Planetside 2 but saw this video and downloaded the game today. I thought of taking a short break from PS2 to give this a whirl. Hopefully, there will be some peeps on when I get home from work tonight and I can get a better feel for the game in general. The graphics look very nice. I was able to just mess around with some of the interface before I went to work and my initial reaction was positive. I've always been a huge fan of Command & Conquer and have no doubt I will enjoy Ren X. When I looked for the keybindings I noticed they were fairly general. How difficult will it be for me to use my Thrustmaster Xbox 360 controller? Yea I know what you're going to say. I really only use it for Forward/Backwards, Strafe left/right, sprint, jump, duck, cycle weapons, and use(E). I use the mouse for look, my mouse buttons for fire/ADS, and the other 2 buttons for prox chat and squad comms. Overall, my first impressions are positive and look forward to playing as soon as I get home. Thanks
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