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Everything posted by renegadexplayer

  1. all fix. I edited the input file. locate the file in path C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\UDKInput , and put a ; in front of every line that's starts with Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_ . this will block the game default auto assigned keys/gamepad button. and you will be able to use gamepad software I hope this helps the community! xpadder was conflicting with the games auto already assigned keys so need to block the game to use a gamepad software.
  2. using xpadder gamepad software left stick forward character stuck wont go forward, left stick assigned to w s a d, using xpadder and a controller like a ps3 controller a generic one. left stick can move back, left, and right but will not move forward just gets stuck and character wont go forward, how to fix?
  3. ok I got it now. the default assault rifle fires in a straight line right, but it looks like its going leftward make it look like its going straight please like how it was before
  4. no need evidence, it just look like its firing to the left u guys don't notice it for some reason. this don't change I quit this game forever
  5. sorry guys. but I really mean it, not trying to be a dick. but its extremely bothersome. I know 2 game company that shut down because shoulder cam lol, and yes im serious, that's how this is
  6. no it look cricket, not cosmetic its seriously EXTREMELY bothersome. I will quit and uninstall the game if this isn't fixed just a small 5-25mb patch should fix it. im sure if this isn't fixed the game will shutdown, because I know other player will be bothered too. im going to completely stop playing if its not back like how it was in beta 2, it keeps looking like its firing to the left in third person, like firing a gun straight and it goes left like you firing to the left.
  7. it look like the guns firing to the left not straight, like its left shoulder cam to the left, like some games, kind of hard for me to explain. its EXTREMELY bothersome, because its imperfection.
  8. no its not in first person, its in third person, please fix this its extremely bothersome. I'll quit playing next thing u know even more people quit, then this game will be shutdown.
  9. please im begging you make a small patch to change it back to like how it was in beta 2. its extremely bothersome.
  10. please fix this its so imperfect and extremely bothersome. its EXTEMELY bothersome. its so imperfect. please release a small patch make make it back to how it was in beta 2
  11. I want it back to 64 players or 256-1000 players, and ai fill the the empty slots like in skirmish but in multiplayer, while we enjoy the game at the moment the devs can work on the ai, till then
  12. I fixed it. I did system restore earlier it mess up the game files. it was restored back to beta 2, now I uninstall bate 2 and reinstalled beta 3 and all fix. thanks for your help!
  13. when I start the launcher I get message "failed to find main application jar error" starting launcher! how to fix? I try the regular shortcut the main game application itself now it get and how to fix?
  14. show me how to repair buildings please! I don't kno where to shoot repair gun! buildings with zero health and says destroyed. how to repair buildings?
  15. I like this guy, the OP!
  16. I have xfx radeon 6870, I bought the system from a guy that builds and sells gaming pc that had this card, so don't kno how new. might of been freshly built pc. what is UT3 and anyways will a better GPU produce less heat?
  17. my gpu still gets hot same temp as on max. yes this is a very high end game. I just want low graphics that's good enough/still looks good. not Nintendo 64 graphics
  18. yes I set all to lowest settings, then it gets Nintendo 64 graphics looks, like graphics from over 15 years ago. and the default character on the GDI I mean also gets a hitler mustache on lowest settings.
  19. Essentially stopped playing at this point because of the player cap so I can't wait. 40 is my minimum, worst part being is every match it empties out to hell and the match is won randomly by either side's boring first 5 minutes stunt. 64 players and the crash fix will help that. 1000 is my minimum
  20. make a lower graphics version please. something that wont make the graphics look Nintendo 64 graphics like, this is the game on lowest settings, that's why I ask this. make a optional patch or version for a lower graphics version that it will still look good like without the sharp edges of the character model. im tired of running it on max settings it causes my videocard to overheat to 80c that's very close to 90c, yes I can play on max 0 lag but not without my gpu getting too hot. this will be good for the low end people.
  21. okay i will. give me some time. im still looking for a videogame recorder. but to explain better, the one starting character with the assault rifle on the yellow team i think its GDI I mean.
  22. when will it change back to 64 players from 40? i also want 64 players in skirmish!
  23. even though this game isnt finished. its way better than a AAA title!
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