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Posts posted by SigmaSix

  1. Hmm interesting. I really need to dig further into this if its me. I have a steady ping of 40, don't lag, I have 60+ fps

    I've played on St0rm, TheMatrixRen, Gbb, Fubar.

    Every server is the same thing regardless of player count so I figured it was a game issue. If its my internet, it explains a lot of issues.

  2. I don't know if anyone else is experience this problem, but the character movements in game are brutal right now. I find it very hard to hit people when they're jumping all over the place because they're basically teleporting around when you fight.

    It also adds to the difficulty of trying to snipe other players in the game. Since the movement is not predictive and jittery, it makes those extra special shots that much harder. This is not latency related, I went through all the steps to check it and had server admins verify their end as well. I don't know if its planned or not, but something needs to be optimized for next release. Infantry vs Infantry fights seems very luck based now.

    IF anyone can shed some light, it would love to hear it.

  3. fe rings a bell

    and so does empire, even though he was terible, so iuno about giving h2o a challenge.

    I remember a player named empire who really sucked, and always played against. I use to roll with -BiO- when renegade was at its prime under a different ID. I miss those good old days. I've actually been waiting for the game to be polished up enough to start playing again.

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