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Everything posted by WiggaownS

  1. Is disconnecting after a map is finish 1 of the bugs of this beta?
  2. I played in alot of teams. I always played Duo 2v2 with empireJBL, were a good 2v2 duo and could give teams such as h20 a challenge. ( dont know the teamname ). I played mostly in Sniper teams such as S5 ( selected 5 with fatalr4ge fr4x, Drs and some others. Played in FE and FE*S. Also played in +RST+ and other teams I cant remember.
  3. well it attracted me to come back, so who knows gotwiskey
  4. no im not Wiggles
  5. I dont remember the year I played in, but im sure its almost +10 years ago. ( not on gamespy )
  6. Hi guys, Ive played this game ages ago with players like GotWiskey kill, simpee etc. I wondered if still some guys are around from the old times and are going to play this game competively. Greetz
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