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Everything posted by Sleepyjo2

  1. When it's done.
  2. It also kills no buildings, which is the only goal you have in Marathon. If you kill no buildings, you accomplish nothing. The defending team needs much less money than the attacking team, particularly in the fairly common GDI siege example. Pointwhoring is all well and good when you can win with points or have a reason to have 6,000 credits gaining interest.
  3. Marathon matches have different dynamics. The removal of the time limit means you can no longer win by score, IE a 30 minute siege will get you no where. People need to understand that you have to be aggressive on marathon servers, which is part of the problem. People *don't* understand this, so the matches takes ages to finish. Take the 5 mammoth tanks you have firing ineffectively on that Hand of Nod and move into the base to kill the obelisk, or take an apc or two full of people and somewhat suicidally rush a building. You don't have to be so aggressive in standard servers because you *can* win by time limit, so people take those tactics and those strategies into a marathon server and waste everyone's time. For future reference, all of the "pro" players prefer AoW because it's the standard used for pretty much any competitive shooter, timed matches, not because it's an innately better mode. The "pro" players understand how to get things done in Marathon matches just as well as AoW matches. Neither mode is better or worse, or more competitive, when played by people who know how to handle each mode. This entire discussion also has basically nothing to do with the OP.
  4. Post your log file here: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72868 Log file can be found here: *install_path*\Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs\Launch.log Upload the log right after a crash occurs.
  5. I was in a full server for a little over 3 hours yesterday. When the rest of the servers update, the rest of the people will update. Until the game has a working auto-update system you can't force people to do anything.
  6. May as well just keep this thread going. Repeated crashes on a Marathon server that appears to be quite a bit worse than the level change one. Lots of devphysics errors and then a critical error after "PhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck". Launch.log
  7. No one is saying anything about the developers. OT: I'm usually too lazy to join servers that aren't near full and/or don't have the time to wait. People waiting on the patch to fix crashing probably isn't helping either.
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