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Posts posted by kugelfaenger

  1. I have to congratulate the Devs that they have already reached a good balancing - in my view. I can not see that the Brotherhood is op. Its certainly in the hand of the team-play to gain victory or not. I had games were GDI rapped the NOD base with tanks in minutes after the start or were mammoths were all over the place and GDI airstrikes annihilated whole armies in seconds. Only with team-play, coordination and tactics the brotherhood were able to crush this massive power :) On the other side NOD stealth units were destroying a complete base nearly unnoticed by a team of 20 GDI players. (I have played six hours straight)

    Certainly there have to be a lot of fine-tuning for every unit, otherwise the game becomes too hard for fresh players and the fun is shrinking for the veterans. Also the role of the playable characters and vehicles and also countermeasures must be easier to find (I didn't knew that die GDI APC can detect stealth units until I found this information here somewhere in the forum^^)

  2. Even I was not affected by superweapon crates, i support the idea to reduce the chance to get some. I just want to mention that in Tiberian Sun the crates had this "special ability" and I lost a lot of units through this.

    Praise omega79 for his maths. Just an idea: Instead of the big BOOM, a little cloud of tiberian gas which floats e.g. for 10 to 20 secs. around would be an evil and interesting effect :>

  3. Only temporarily? I would really like to see it permenently capped at something like 24 or 32 to make the games enjoyable and playable instead of just giant MOBA style clusterfucks. If this game is going to be 32vs32 I won't play it - it completely ruins the game.

    At 64 players the matches lack any strategy, any enjoyable gameplay at all, it's just a MOBA where instead of drones you have people running down a corridor and shootting at each other. If you want 64 player matches the maps need to be 4x the size with multiple objectives.

    + 1 (especially the point with the map size)

    16vs16 is a vital number of players and I absolutely understand the reduction to 40 players. The vehicle-lag-bug ruined nearly any game I had past wednesday.

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