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Posts posted by zeroverve

  1. I'd be interested!

    Also, is there a way to make join messages and such on the servers? (Not too familiar with UT3 hosting.)

    Depends on how you are managing the server. As far as I am aware there is nothing that will internally keep track of messages.

    A simple perl or mIRC bot could parse commands like !setjoin from regular chat and then store the join message.

    It could then look for someone joining with the same player name or Steam ID and send a message to the server with the corresponding join message.

    I don't think one is made since they are going to make changes how the servers will work. But as of now, it is possible to do join messages, medals, etc. We are just waiting for the server side changes the dev team is going to make.

    Or if someone helps me with teh TCP part I can make an IRC bot with all that stuff.

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