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Posts posted by Vancer2

  1. 21 hours ago, Ryz said:

    The 'new' system has been here for a year. Have to say I like it, but I didn't at first. Give it a few more tries and you will see it is indeed better to keep the game going than the 'old' system.

    I can't give it a few more times. RIP Renegade X. A bunch of hotwires would always get in the building or what not. This isn't original renegade. You're adding something from Starcraft 2 into a game. Plus it makes no sense. There wasn't any shields in Tib war 1. Now if this was TW3, and we reverse engineered Scrin shields then yeah. It would make sense.

  2. I have a UPK unpacke , UPK decompressor. And a file that helps extract the textures. if you drag a UPK file on it as long as textures.tfc is in the same folder. would you like me to link them? I have a whole slew of tools for the job. Though I have all the tools I don't know what to do :]. Reminds me of Mr Fantastic in Fallout New Vegas xD All the tools, but doesnt know WTF to do with it.

  3. I have been never been one to make maps but Renegade X has sparked my curiosity, I downloaded the UDK and everything, UE explorer the whole nine yards. Now I tried to get The Renegade X upks to load into the content browser but I cant even get past that. I noticed that almost all the content is in the startup.upk and to make things even more difficult I cant get the textures to load, When I try and click "Fully Load" The UDK ends up crashing and what not. So I've now come here asking for help.

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