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I have run this game before though I have made some upgrades in video cards only why does it say "This app cannot run on your PC"? Win 8 Ent.
Ok tonight I noticed a number of players on foot that seemed to get little damage from tank hit unless it was spot on target and killed them. Running as an sbh I found a Mendoza however its spelled hiding behind a rock on that new map with the red leaves. He never saw me. He had about 50% health. He started running away and was a little ways away and I figured I would blast him. After shooting him several times he had gone to 100% health. There was no one repairing him. I came back and asked after a crash as it happened at the end if they could self med and the answer was no. If that is so someone is using a self med hack. I know the players name but won't list it here but will answer in private msg if need be. Don't know what good it would do anyway / but just thought the dev's should know.
ok it seemed to work ok with a few glitches other night. May depend on the server. Two start files. The Renegade-x shortcut can crash it. The Start Launcher shortcut works and I get in game and tonight every match the WIN8 enterprise BSOD happy message " Your computer ran into a problem...." at the end of each match before the next map loads.
The PC BSOD's when I attempting to join as I recall. I believe the launcher worked then joining leads to crash. I am try a new download and install and see if I get the same results. This is windows 8 enterprise.
Disabling SLI did nothing it still BSOD on windows 8 not 8.1 but 8.
I don't know what to do to change it it BSOD the PC that ran ver 2 beta and ver 1. This happened 3 times in a row. Perhaps I will try it one more time after disabling SLi which it worked with before.
Yeah the game seems to already need patching. Some of the most common speedhacks I see running today. But since you can change your name in the game this may be of no help. There was also some griefing us at the base. One aimbot from the hill. But the player at base appeared to be under the map surface. They saw you even if you were in stealth blackhand. Death almost immediately coming out of any door in any building.
I like this game. Some of it reminds me of UT 2004 of course. It reminds me a little of Starsiege Tribes 1 except for Tribes did not have tanks. The Annihilation mod is a more complex FPS than most games. UT had little on tribes except for graphics and the new vehicles in 2004 of course over the 1998 Game of the Year that ran on 56K. http://annihilation.info/ The full version of Tribes 1 is available for free there if you search around. The Annihilation and Renegades mods were the best of the best of tribes with much more capabilities and fun available than the stock game. I still think Tribes 1 had UT beat in CTF action and any other game since. A bit difficult to learn but massively fun. The new Tribes Ascend is still not quite like Annihilation or Renegades mods of tribes 1. You would have to try the 8 different player types in the Anni mod that had very different weapons and capabilities like the necromancer which can cut thru walls with a spell and the Chameleon which cannot be seen as different except for name recognition to understand how much that mod really has. Or the light weight HEavy Troll that could rocket over hills and truly ski unlike the current Tribes Ascend while repairing himself with troll pack. I wonder if we will see a Redeemer like rocket here? Tribes 1 Annihilation mod had an 8 shot optical seeking missile that was reloadable from a deployable inventory station the Heaviest Class could carry. Many did not like being OSsed. Particularily if the Titan was off the map with borders turned off but they could still be found. I think the OS in the tribes mod existed before the Redeemer in UT. These were much more fun than drones of War Inc which simply marked the enemy locations for your team. The TribeX mod in the Demo which was lost to a hard drive crash was one of the best lower grav mods. Just enough to make everyone fly a little faster/longer ski further but not overkill. I know Postal 2 STP Share the Pain also has a good anti gravity mod which used the earlier Unreal engine that does well too named Turtle F_____. In that case its quite a bit more anti gravity. At least in Tribes 1 when you destroyed the enemy base there they can repair it and the base auto weapons. There is a great deal more strategy and defense building capabilities. Originally you could even use the enemy inventory station as a chameleon. The Renegades mod also had chameleon. These were truly some of the best team and differing classes type of games ever available. I have yet to see such a game with so many deployables including teleports in the enemy base ever again. The loss of this game is the unrepairable buildings once they are destroyed unlike Tribes 1. I have seen in less than 2 minutes the other team take out a building losing all character classes. Then 45 minutes more or less of less fun available. Just my take on it. Perhaps the earlier CLASSIC game was similar, if so I guess that is just the nature of it but it takes from the game when there is no way of recouping the lost weapons or characters. I'm not sure I like the box designation around players to show if they are your team or their team, perhaps just yellow or red names would be desirable perhaps more than a red or green arrow over their heads. It always reminds me a bit of the hitboxes I have seen in wallhack videos of games. I am guessing it is a Unreal engine convention and was probably there in some others in the past. So far I haven't found a really large FAQ or tutorial on all keybinds yet. Perhaps one exists. One of the nicest keybinds in Delta Force with those huge maps was the scroll key to walk. Press it and you walk without holding any keys down for miles. I have seen a few games like H&G where chat window allows you to do that somewhat. But it was always very helpful on tired fingers in BHD and Joint Ops. One of the main things I can appreciate about any game is the size of the maps. This is decent sized yet still reminds me of UT or Tribes 3 which ran on unreal too. Novalogic Delta Force game such as BHD Blackhawk Down and JO Joint Operations and the earlier Land Warrior etc games shared something in common with Tribes 1. You could go anywhere up too anything you see and climb on and walk around it and the map tiles went on and on for miles. Tribes 1 could have borders turned on or off. Unreal games have always lacked this. I understand they can map rooms together and create larger ones. The original UT did have some base jumping aspects in space but nothing tiled like that as I recall and later it got no better. People some people still play BHD and JO and even tribes. Not sure if this game has a bullet drop parameter figured in or just for some weapons or tanks. A lot of Unreal engine games do not seem to utilize it if it exists. One of the few games that has bigger maps still with borders on is a beta called H&G or Heroes and Generals. Outside of the OP German MG and Panzer tanks it suffers from being a Strategy and FPS combination game. But some of the maps are big much larger than most Unreal games. Its nice to play a Beta that reminds me of Demos of the past Thank You for that. Instead of F2P vs P2W that exists with most new games that often also use the Unreal engine. I don't know if the plans are to make this a F2P/P2W with extra weapons or a FV PC release or something for a console. But I will say one of the things that really makes a games popularity last is the release of a map editor and the ability as it is now to run your own server like earlier games. Being able to choose a location or IP or server that pings better for you is a significant plus over many of the new F2P games. Having the admin capability of your own server is a significant plus also that many of the new F2P games are also missing. Additionally missing in many new games is mod building capability unless one wants to port it somehow to UT or present it as a platform on UT. So to sum up my thoughts about many of the new games which are mostly F2P/P2W. I am not specifically referring to Renegade-X here just new games in the new format which Renegade-X is not setup like and what they are often missing compared to great games of the past. No map editor. Often small maps, no large map tiling capability that runs to infinity or near it. I know we don't see it much anymore. No admin capability. No personal server or serving capability. Thus no choice of where and distance to join by IP. No ability to create a mod or modify the game. And All weapons available to everyone not just P2W players. Or female vs male player types. Sometimes females are harder to hit. In the Sierra produced tribes they were lighter damaged easier and were faster than the male counter part. This also brings up what player configuration choices are available besides the weapons In JO I can be an Indonesian government soldier/adviser on the otherwise White Coalition side that includes Russian and German and English and US side confusing the Rebel Indonesian players as to which team I am on. I will just mention my dislike of full TPS games vs a little ghosting of corners in FPS. War Inc was good in FPS. Though it is dead from hacks now left unpatched it went with both modes available separately then later it in FV it combined both TPS and FPS which would be okay if it was a server side setting not a client setting. This ruined the game play in my mind unless you like full time TPS. Just my thoughts devs. Thanks for the fun. I hope you don't get bought up like Hedone was by SOE and renamed Bulletrun and then canceled. Renegade-X does seem to move faster action wise than SOE's Planetside 2 which seems like a slow version of a wannabe - wantabe be Tribes like type of game to me. I believe PS2 has jetpacks without skiing etc. One more option that could be added here. Hedone /Bulletrun was also a fun Unreal based game though it lacked vehicles and planes. Here is link also at the link to a video I put above that shows a bit of Tribes 1 Annihilation mod one can tell by the map. It lists the top ten video (FPS) games of the past. Though they did not list any Delta Force games a mistake in my mind, Tribes 1 did make the list and would have been higher if not missing single player play bah. The mods had bots too if you wanted to put them in. Worth a watch. Surprising what they picked as number 1. Not what I would have expected. http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/dydk ... 0-shooters
I get the WASD and have been trying other combinations but I cannot seem to get much elevation. What makes the Orca or the Transport go up or down? Please direct me to where a tutorial or faq is on this if there is one.