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Posts posted by azuremare

  1. What I bet happened is that they took turns taking damage from the mines on one side of the tunnel. Also when I play with buddies I'll take the damage of mines one by one while they repair me. which is fater than disarming them with regular engi.

    5 mines laid, 5 mines still there after they got passed.

    So no the did not buddy a mine or 2 each

  2. I'm a old Ren Vet and love the way this game has turned out, a true labour of love.

    Anyway about mines.

    Was playing GDI on walls and mined our base tunnel with 5 in the middle of the tunnel. About a minute later I see 3 nod run out of the tunnel towards our Bar.

    So I'm thinking

    Mines dont work like old Ren because they would of killed someone as its just too narrow in that tunnel to get past without setting them off.

    And yes the mines were still there, I checked after the rush.

    Anyone confirm this ?

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