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Posts posted by mjolnir

  1. Don't use the scope - just as for the original Renegade - learn and train this and profit. I can do the same with my favoured Pic. Doing >90% headshots with it all the time. I want to say:

    Speedhacks were possible due to wrong server settings, I guess that every server admin has fixed this issue yet. Thanks to the RenX Devs. See: Speedhack FIX!!

    I haven't seen any aimbots yet. This shouldn't explain that no cheats are existent, since cheats exist in every damned game. For the original Renegade game, as Sak or Hav, I had a KDR of 60 and more. Why shouldn't it be possible for RenX too?


    am i missing something, because i'm not seeing any double digit KD's in your screenshots.


    A KDR of 120 and more, done by a Sniper, this should be an cheating event.

    BTW, I am a bad sniper but a better PIC/RAV player...

  2. If you get too close to an enemy, or he gets too close to you, you can be seen. The same happens when you get shot. You become unstealthed temporarily when you shoot, and remain permanently unstealthed under 50 HP until your HP is repaired to above 50 again.

    yesterday i had less than 15 health and i became stealthed, but it took much longer than normal

  3. I never minded console FPS to be honest. Here is my arguement about it.

    With a console, it is a not entirely difficult to use second-tier equipment you use to input, but everyone is limited to that, as well as the console running it.

    On a pc, you spend 3k if you want to play competitively, otherwise you settle for dying sheerly because of the device and not you. You need a game that can run smooth 60fps, you need a gaming mouse, you need an anti-ghosting hand-shaped micro-key device like a Nostro, and you need a high refresh low latency monitor.

    I play not-overly-skilled fps on pc, but I would never play latest call of duty and battlefield on it. Those are designed for console, that is literally where they are built and then crummily ported.

    I would settle for a fun yet crummy port for Renegade to Console. Console players shouldn't be barred from playing fun games just because "they are hated by pc players who take what device runs a game too seriously like a cult or something".

    Which is another thing that irks me. Why wouldn't any game company capable of doing it release any game to any platform they can? Rockstar limiting GTA5 just pisses fanboys off while stroking other fanboys ego, the console wars destroyed the game industry fifteen years ago and it will happen again, and everyone is still acting like it's cool to downtalk other people's computing devices of choice.

    It WON'T happen, but I wish consoles would let actual indie developers release actual indie games to consoles, no string attached. Then maybe we would see RenegadeX and such...

    you can buy a xim mouse translator and have an easier time aiming than a controller user

  4. Noticed something today after having been on the loosing side a few times, the end game really sucks if you're losing. Once your vehicle factory is destryoed it's pretty much game over and many people just quit, once that happens there is just no point to playing anymore because it's just spawn/die/spawn/die till the enemy finishes destroying your base.

    I think you guys need to re-work some of the mechanics of the end game because it's a real downer. The loosing side needs to still have hope, still maintain some way of fighting to at least try and turn it around but the way the game is set up basically once you loose vehicles its game over - you may as well just have the game end right there. Same is true for the refinery, once you cant earn creds its done you may as well quit because theres no point in playing further.

    The buildings that are ciritical to the core game play need to either be not destroyable or be rebuildable after they've been destroyed. Wish I could offer more advice but you guys need to put some thought into this, you're kind of being screwed by the very nature of the game itself, you may need to re-think things a bit.

    pubbing is not a good measure of balance

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