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  1. even the original renegade reticle would be great
  2. ah thanks, I didn't know you could see if they were running beta 2
  3. I downloaded the new update and I cannot join any servers, it loads then just goes straight to main menu.
  4. will the sniper dot be added back in for no scope shooting?
  5. I'd say a vote kick that requires less people to initiate would help a lot and that would set on some type of temp ban? I'd bet half the people don't even see the light colored text at the top during a vote
  6. I really want that dot back lol
  7. Fair enough even though I seem to always get hit by the pic/rail no matter what. What about the dot for the open sniper?
  8. Agreed, I wonder what their reasoning was for it? the shotgun also.
  9. Can we get a dot in the center of the sniper reticles like old renegade while no scoping?
  10. I saw [TSM]OpticZGaming getting endless kills with just a marksman, no refilling or anything on lakeside last night. The dude just kept going and going... He was like herschell in walking dead, endless ammo and he had to of had a damage hack just racking up kills with a marksman like that.
  11. I feel like the reloading between each shot on the 500 sniper isn't the same =( I miss the old 500 snipers
  12. The climb is how I'm not sure they are hitting me so often..
  13. everyone must be getting headshots on me then..
  14. Why do regular soldiers do absurd amounts of damage so fast now? even at a decent range they just drop me.. am I missing something new with aiming?? I played original forever
  15. I was in the same game on gdi, 100% true.
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