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Posts posted by Mitch

  1. Hello,

    after following the guide and run the command i get:

    "wine: Install Mono 2.8 or greater for Windows to run .NET 4.0 applications."

    What is the problem here?

    From the looks of it, .NET 4.0 didn't install properly (Installing this is a bit of a hit and miss, sometimes it fails because "It's Already Installed").

    What version of wine are you running? The following command will tell you:

    % wine --version

  2. Actually, it might be possible to do it all from the command line. You can definitely run the server from the console using UDK.com instead of UDK.exe (Can see the output, but can't write commands that way it seems), I'll need to look into configuring wine though the console, though.

    Edit: I've gone and altered the guide to (hopefully) not need a GUI, not too sure about the winetricks commands though.

  3. DISCLAIMER: Follow this guide at your own risk! These are the steps that I had to follow in order to get the (Windows) Dedicated Server working in a Linux OS.

    NOTE: This guide should more or less be the same for most of the major linux distributions, the package installer will change depending on what OS you're running (Eg. pacman for Arch).

    NOTE: As far as I can tell, it is currently impossible to run a dedicated server without having some form of GUI :/

    NOTE: I'm assuming that you know your way around a Linux system, I'm not going to go over the basics here.

    NOTE: Apart from the package installs, you should not need to run any command as the root user.

    Hello! This guide will hopefully show you what you need to do in order to get the Renegade X dedicated server running on your Linux server.

    This guide was ran on a Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS server.

    1. Install Wine:

    sudo apt-get install wine

    This will install Wine along with everything needed to get a basic VNC Server running.

    2. With Wine installed, we can now install the required libraries.

    Run the following commands:

    set WINEARCH=win32
    winetricks -q dotnet40 xact_jun2010 vcrun2010 d3dx11_43

    This will install the required libraries.

    3. Upload Renegade X

    You'll need to upload a copy of Renegade X to the server, since there's no GUI to use the installer.

    Once uploaded, configure your server settings.

    4. Starting The Server

    You'll most likely want to use something like screen to run the server, unless you intend to run the server only while you're logged in.

    To start the server, do something like the following (These commands will more or less be the same as if you were starting up a Windows Dedicated Server, apart from the fact that you use UDK.com instead of UDK.exe):

    wine cmd
    * Wine CMD Starts... *
    UDK.com server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=password123?maxplayers=40 -port=777

    At this point, the server should start, and you should be able to connect to it :D! The VNC Viewer window can be closed at any point.

    If you have any feedback, or feel that something should be done differently, let me know.

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  4. I've currently got 2 servers running in a GUI environment (Needed the GUI to perform the install, it's probably not needed) in Wine on an Ubuntu server. It works, but it doesn't show the game console (I think that's due to how I'm running them :/).

    If you'd like, I could write up what I had to do to get it running..

    Edit: Have a look here, I'll write up a more detailed one for servers shortly (viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72191).

    Edit 2: Look here for my guide (viewtopic.php?f=119&t=72738)

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