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Everything posted by IIandrew

  1. Everyone on this forum is an a##hole.
  2. I completely agree NOD seems to lose a lot and the flame trooper and chemical trooper need a buff.
  3. First off defensive lists such as this never help to improve the game, they simply try to make it static. The purpose of a beta is to improve through change. Defensive lists such as these are not good for a forum. They do not encourage discussion, however I'm going to fight fire with fire here, so here is my response. 1. NOD is a faction based off of more stealth based tactics, however hit-boxes have never varied in side for the factions, and I don't believe health has either. Asymmetrical balancing is nice, however there is no practical way for GDI to infiltrate a base undetected. It doesn't have to be a cloak necessarily, perhaps a holographic disguise of some sort. Also lore was built for the game(s), not the other way around. 2. All of the anti tank measures you have described rely on close quarters combat, with the exception of the grenadier. However the grenadiers damage is very poor against tanks and was clearly designed as an anti infantry measure. On of of this the c4 (Including the remote detonation c4) is not very effective, and is risky to use in most situations. 3. The barracks going down does provide an advantage, assuming the team that still has the barracks has money for characters. If their refinery has been destroyed they will hold a very small advantage, only being able to spawn characters once in a while. 4. "Any moment that an engineer is repairing one structure is three moments where they're unable to repair another. Take another structure if you see you're not beating the repairs." There are maps where it is not possible to target buildings beyond the obleisk, and beyond this the obleisk and advanced guard posts, are very powerful and it is a requirement to destroy them before mounting any sort of assault on the enemy. The original renegade had these same problems, however there were often more tunnels, and places with enough cover to make it to an enemy structure before being killed. 5. The benefits are not massive enough, they need to be more direct concerning infantry. When it comes down to it this game is about boots on the ground and how effective they are. A team with a barracks but no refinery, versus a team with a vehicle bay and no refinery, can easily stalemate once the income has stopped. For a while one side will have characters and the other vehicles, but if they cannot overwhelm the other teams defenses before running out of money a stalemate will occur. Occasionally one side will have characters and the other vehicles, but it usually is not enough for either side to gain a strong enough advantage. There are also several other scenarios like this concerning different buildings. The bottom line is that buildings should each provide a solid boost to regular ground troops. Defending your base is important, but offense is also important if you want to actually win. Stalemates cannot always be beaten with "superior strategy". When you lose a building in this game your options begin to get more and more limited. Thus taking away a lot of strategic options and encouraging stalemate. I believe this should be counter acted. Stalemates are fun for a while, but eventually they become very monotonous and discourage most people from playing a game. Why play if every game you get into ends in stalemate?
  4. Hey I'm new to the forums so hello. I have some general suggestions for this game that I think would add to the player experience. 1. Both sides should have some sort of cloaking/stealth character. 2. Instead of a default character with a shotgun, there should be one with a rocket launcher. It doesn't have to be very powerful just something general that can be used to defend your base once your barracks has been destroyed. 3. Re-spawn time increases once barracks has been destroyed. 4. Obleisks/Advanced guard towers, take longer to repair than normal. I've been in games where both sides were completely stalemated because of this. 5. Buildings should provide more of a benefit than they currently do to eliminate stale mates. Generally most of these improvements are just suggestions that help towards eliminating game stalemates. Thanks for reading.
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