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Posts posted by TimrodDX

  1. Mostly good ideas, except this:
    - Designate an area on each map as a "base area", which is defined as the space in and immediately surrounding each of the base buildings. Mines in these areas take priority over mines outside of these areas, so that people can't go mining the tunnel and causing all the mines that are actually defending buildings to fail.

    This is a bad thing on many maps. Maps like Field or Goldrush benefit highly from placing outside the base in chokepoints. Mines are how you secure map control.

    You would still be able to place mines outside base areas, it's just that mines inside the base area take priority when determining which mines to remove once the limit is hit.

  2. The problem with giving each player a limit for mines is that on maps that don't have an AGT/Obelisk, Engineer rushes tend to happen frequently within the first few minutes. Walls_Flying is a good example, where most players on both teams tend to rush center in order to get an early harvester kill, then push through to the bases and use whatever C4 they have. Usually, there's one person who hangs around and goes Tech or Hotwire ASAP to stop C4 rushes on buildings. With a per-player mine limit, rushes would be much more effective because teams would have to wait for 4 or 5 people to go Tech/Hotwire to get a defense up.

  3. One thing I've noticed that is an exceptionally huge problem with the game right now is the way the mine limit is handled. There are a whole bunch of problems, all of which need solutions before the game is playable in a pub setting.

    - A single new/bad hotwire or tech can completely screw up base defenses by doing stupid things like dumping 20+ mines in the tunnels on walls_flying or attempting to suicide-rush vehicles with them. Because of the way the mine limit works (removing the earliest placed mines for the new ones) this forces the good tech/hotwire to re-mine the entire base if someone screws up.

    - Similarly, Engineer rushes screw up base defense because remote C4 counts toward the mine limit.

    - There are also "accidents" of players using proxy mines when they don't mean to, and it's very difficult to track down where those are.

    My solution for it is simple.

    - Remove remote C4 from the mine limit when the Infantry Barracks or Hand of Nod are intact. Instead, implement a per-player remote C4 limit of 3 or 4. This means that Engineer rushes no longer impact defensive mines. When the Hand or Barracks are down, re-attach remote C4 to the mine limit to allow players to use it as a replacement for mines.

    - Designate an area on each map as a "base area", which is defined as the space in and immediately surrounding each of the base buildings. Mines in these areas take priority over mines outside of these areas, so that people can't go mining the tunnel and causing all the mines that are actually defending buildings to fail.

    - Add a context-sensitive action for the E/use key for Hotwires and Techs that allows them to defuse mines placed by their team. Doing this would take a second or two in order to stop people griefing with it.

  4. One thing I find kind of ridiculous from a game design perspective is why the glass windows in the Hand of Nod are so easy to break, when the giant plate glass window in the Weapons Factory (between the vehicle bay and the MCT area) is completely unbreakable. From a design perspective, I think this is the best solution:

    - Change the glass in the Hand of Nod to break and repair with the rest of the building. At 95%, the windows crack, and at 90%, they shatter entirely. This would make the Hand less ridiculous to defend (forcing an Engineer rush to either expend one C4 to open the windows up or defuse the mines) and would make maps like Walls_Flying less of a "who can rush C4 first" speedrun.

    - Change the glass in the WF to act the same way. At 95%, it becomes visibly cracked, and at 90% it breaks entirely, allowing Engineers and SBH to go through.

  5. If you have a sidearm that isn't the silenced pistol and pick up a character change crate that changes you to the same character you're currently using, you will gain a silenced pistol as a second sidearm.


    What happened in this shot was that I was a Hotwire with a Tiberium Flechette Rifle, and picked up a crate that changed me to the same character. Notice that I have the silenced pistol underneath the rifle, and could use both by toggling with 1.

  6. I was just on a server where a player ruined a round on Field for GDI by buying a Mammoth Tank and parking it directly in front of the bay exit of the Weapons Factory, causing any other purchased vehicles to explode upon creation. This was not an unintentional block (ie; caused by too many vehicles at once), but rather a player intentionally blocking the bay for the sole purpose of griefing.

    Further compounding the issue, as the offending player soon learned, is that the block can be performed as early as the first harvester return with an MRLS.

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