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[Feedback] Healing Infantry with the repair gun.
Potatomcwhiskey replied to Potatomcwhiskey's topic in Renegade X
1. Thats something we can agree on. 2. Could you elaborate more on that one? I know your stated in your first post it might be too easy to kill people if the hitboxes are adjusted, but as I've stated in this thread before A: If the same hitboxes are used for player damage, and the repair gun registering "healing" then something is fundamentally wrong with the hitboxes as the beam goes through peoples extremities like arms, legs, head, edge of their torsos etc. B: The repair gun isn't interacting with the hitboxes the same way damaging projectiles do due to some kind of bug. C: The hitboxes can be adjusted assymetrically, or the beam could become "thicker" by a few pixels, meaning you need a little bit less than savant levels of aiming skill to top someone up after a firefight while you're both heading to the next objective. If A: is true then the hitboxes most definitely need to be adjusted, even if they are similar to the original. The best example for this that is pertinent is WC3 Dota and Dota 2. In WC3 Dota the character "Bounty Hunter" had a notoriously tiny hitbox that made it very difficult to click on him. In Dota 2, the remake and upgrade of WC3 Dota they gave "Bounty Hunter" a much more generous and reasonable hitbox that accurate matched his character model. "Bounty Hunter" didn't suddenly become super easy to kill overnight, but what did disappear was the frustration in trying to click on a character whos hitbox didn't accurately match his model. If B: is true then thats obviously a bug and should be adjusted - I'll detail why later in my post. 3: Why isn't it viable? Why shouldn't it be viable? Why should all the roles be limited to killing a player, after all we can heal vehicles easily enough, why should infantry who are much more fragile be an exception? 4: This is where you've lost me a little bit. Think about it, this isn't a military simulator like Operation Flashpoint, or the Arma series, or Novalogics Delta Force/Join Operations series. Nor is it Battlefield, Call of Duty, or whatever variant of the 3 bullet kill modern military shooters are making the rounds currently. This is Renegade, strafing, jumping, missiles, grenades, plasma, ligntning, lasers, tanks etc. Out of any game on the market that I can think of it has more in common with Team Fortress 2, and Nuclear Dawn/Natural Selection, Quake and Unreal Tournament. These games are more arcadey than the Mil Sim/ModMilShooter Genre. It makes sense in a MilSim thematically that you have to stand still to heal because its a Simulation and even then they're taking liberties for the sake of gameplay. It makes sense for ModMilShooter games to have tiny health pools and for healing to take a back seat role. Because they are inherantly more casual and having to sit with your friend patching him up is time taken away from throwing bullets by the clip at other people. The designers of those games have gone to great pains to maximise the time spend shooting at other players that is and that means stuff like medics take a back seat. In Renegade, it makes no sense thematically for the gameplay to Force you to stand still to get Any healing whatsoever. The game is fast paced, hectic and people take time to die in a firefight comparitive to other games. It makes way more sense for medics/repair guns to be effective while mobile because A: The game is fast paced on the front line, forcing people to stop and sit still to heal up for even minor injuries breaks the flow of battle/Gameplay. B: Limiting mobile medics/Reps reduces the amount of meaningful choices players can make to form a strategy I.E. Grab a Engy for the push on Point X as opposed to "Screw medics just bring something else". C: It its hilariously fun, and both teams can do it so it can't really be "overpowered". Lets not confused "Overpowered" with "Effective Strategy". D: It gives more options to people who like playing Engy, Imagine you are repairing a friends tank which blows up. You seem some infantry pushing but you decide not to go with them because healing them is a pain in the ass and you don't know if they'll stop. Now you trek back to the base to change class or get a veh/whatever or join the push anyway and just C4 the shit out of stuff when you reach a building but you then die perhaps not being useful if the push fails to get to a building. If you could heal on the move there wouldn't be a "Useless" outcome there and the player would be more satisfied even in failure. 5: If you're going to bring something up and then not elaborate on it and use it as a part of your point why bring it up? Its basically like saying "I have a hunch and thats why I disagree with you" or "I know a secret and thats why you're wrong". I have no way of knowing if either are credible or accurate. And if its in reference to some kind of medica class whats the harm in bringing it up? I haven't heard anything about it but it would be nifty to have. Occams Razor is a succint way to solve a problem account for all the details, not just the "Simplest solution". Your post doesn't take into account that the repair gun passes through people when you're following right behind them aiming squarely at their back. This has happened to me on multiple occasions and I wouldn't be bringing it up if it didn't. The beam, no matter how accurately I use it will simply pass through the majority of the players model if he is moving. So its not really an occams razor if you're not accounting for the fact that the beams pass through peoples character models. Keep in mind, and perhaps I should have been more clear on this earlier in the thread - I thought I had been, I'm talking about when you're behind a teammate and you're both running[Not Sprinting] the same direction its damn near impossible to hit him with the beam. YES, if hes running perpendicular to you it should be JUST as hard to hit him with the repair gun as it is with a normal gun. Its my fault I didn't present the specific scenario I have been mostly refering to - following someone directly behind and healing. I could understand if they were strafing it would be a pain in the ass to heal them, but the beam shouldn't be passing through arbitrary areas of the character model just because they are moving. -
[Feedback] Healing Infantry with the repair gun.
Potatomcwhiskey replied to Potatomcwhiskey's topic in Renegade X
Theres more than one factor in the balance of power. They could simply decrease the rate at which infantry are being healed by the repair gun to compensate for the "buff" of it being less buggy or "easier" to heal people while moving around. The easiest way to balance it would be to make it heal slower than the weakest weapon in the game does damage, that is if they improve the hit detection. I really must stress, I'm not looking for the game to move in a TF2 "medic" direction, but I would very much like to be able to top up my allies a little bit as I run from objective to objective, instead of having to completely stop still everytime someone loses 25 hp because the hitboxes are ass, or whatever else is causing this issue. Just a quality of life improvement for infantry combat and support really is all thats needed on the repair gun. -
[Feedback] Healing Infantry with the repair gun.
Potatomcwhiskey replied to Potatomcwhiskey's topic in Renegade X
No it doesn't. I was asking for an explanation, not a vitriol filled rant that has no place in a thread discussing hitboxes. Take your ego and your bias elsewhere. And I've even found a thread explaining it on these forums in great detail, and your post contains many factual errors. Free aim is not Aim assist, take your propaganda elsewhere thanks. Again and again, this thread is not about a lock-on system. A player with good aiming skills should be rewarded for a higher amount of healing done in the healing department, as opposed to just firing and forgetting for the duration of a teamfight while he bunny hops around. I just want the hitboxes to register properly, as time and time I've state that the beam will not have any effect on an ally unless it hits a very specific "Magic box" that consist of their central torso. I've addressed this several times in the thread and its getting tiresome, please read the thread and refrain from spreading such vitriol and ignorance. Your post stinks of "I just want to be heard despite having nothing of value to say". While it would certainly improve the functionality, what you would really end up with are a bunch of heal chains in fire fights. I would much rather they just improve the hitbox/reg when using against moving targets. Thank christ someone who finally understands. All I want are better defined hit boxes for the repair gun on friendly infantry. Or even just "fatten" the beam to compensate for the wonky hitboxes. Free aim is where you can lock your screen in one particular direction and aim anywhere on the screen and the bullet will still go where your crosshair is pointing. It will be interesting to see how the devs handle it given that ballistic weapons aren't hit scan anymore. Its an interesting concept, I'm looking forward to it having never used it or even been aware of its existance until now it sounds like a unique mechanic to master that will help the game stand out from other games. There are many ways around this sort of thing, and if the same hitbox is used for getting shot its absolutely awful. As I stated earlier the repair gun beam goes through several areas of the player model which is frustrating and wonky. Many many times I've been aiming straight at someone and the beam is passing through them hitting the wall. The extremities of the player hitboxes are especially notorious. My guess from my development experience is that they have multiple hitboxes per model and they're either incorrectly sized or for some reason the repair gun isn't registering on certain ones. E.G. The head hitbox seems to work fine for bullets, but is basically non-existant for the repair gun. I could be entirely wrong, but that is my suspicion. -
[Feedback] Healing Infantry with the repair gun.
Potatomcwhiskey replied to Potatomcwhiskey's topic in Renegade X
This has nothing to do with people not stopping. It would be nice if they did but there you do. This has to do with the hitbox being horrific. Go try it out, beam passes through extremities of players and sometimes even the torso. I swear sometimes people don't read the thread. What in the name of dickens is free aim, if you don't mind me asking? Free aim abuse? The repair beam is fine as it is. Its just the hitbox on allies is fucked. The beam goes through peoples arms, legs and head, and so help you god if you're a pixel off their torso they wont get anything. Why are we talking about locking on? This thread is about hitboxes, there should be no locking on in this game, except for missiles. You can take liberty with some things but fundamentally changing the gameplay like this will push it towards losing it's charm. -
[Feedback] Healing Infantry with the repair gun.
Potatomcwhiskey replied to Potatomcwhiskey's topic in Renegade X
I'm not asking for the beam to arc. I just want the hitbox for healing infantry to be more than 20 pixels wide when moving, which is what it feels like. I should be able to reliably hit people with the beam on the move if my aim is good like it is with vehicles. Instead whats happening is the beam passes through them, their arms, their head or anywhere that isn't DEAD center within a few pixels on their torso. You see the problem is kinda a self fulfilling prophecy. Healing infantry allies is a pain in the ass unless they're standing still. Therefore less people put effort into trying to heal them, ergo less people see a point in standing still/looking for an repair gun if no one is going to bother healing them. Your point stands up well in organised competitive play. But in pub matches expecting people to stand still with very limited ways comminicate in an action packed game is an effort in futility. Simply the fact that you said "Its fine how it is" means you've never actually tried it. Go try it and tell me if its fine. The beam doesn't register hits on allies when I'm clearly hitting their model 90% of the time. -
[Feedback] Healing Infantry with the repair gun.
Potatomcwhiskey replied to Potatomcwhiskey's topic in Renegade X
I specifically stated that having a TF2 style where the beam kind of "attaches" to the player isn't whats needed. Merely better hit registration on the move to give dedicated support players more to do in terms of gameplay. Playing other classes I noticed a lot of the time after I'd gotten through a firefight or two alive my health was so low that unless the next fight involved an equally low hp opponent I'd more often than not just auto lose, which is why I thought I'd run around in the firefight with my repair gun to help my team, but it was an exercise in frustration if I wasn't just babysitting a tank which I didn't find very fun. The majority of the time playing as most firefighting infantry classes you're likely to get blown apart by explosives, or simply left low hp after a firefight with another person/group of people. I'm not suggesting you make it viable to run around with a team of engies and infantry chain healing and tanking everything, just make it a little easier to heal on the move when you're with a group of buddies, having to stop and stand still to heal in such a fast paced action game is a little jarring from a flow of gameplay perspective. I'm not asking for Medic/Heavy levels of tank healing here, simply making it a little easier to do it on the move by your own admission its harder to heal than shoot people which makes that gameplay option essentially defunct - limiting the amount of meaningful choices players have when it comes to gameplay. If damage trumps healing by a huge amount in terms of difficulty to execute why are the players going to bother? -
Hi, I've sunk a few hours into the game now today and there is one huge issue that has been bothering me as I've been running around as an Engineer. Trying to repair another infantry person when you're moving, they're moving or any other situation where you're both not standing perfectly still feels like complete ass. I feel like a hamfisted ogre trying to thread a thick steel rope through a needle held by an angry and disagreeable monkey. I've summarised this in the image below. Now, I'm not saying you need to make it super easy, but for whatever reason be it poor hitbox, server lag or the engineer beam being literally a pixel thick or some other shenanighanery it is really REALLY hard to hit an ally with the beam when you're not standing still. I've played on mostly low ping servers with mid populations, and I'm fairly decent at FPS games - been playing most of my life so I'm fairly certain my aim isn't total crap. I don't think it should be made tf2 style where it is pretty easy to keep a beam on someone but this section of the game definitely needs some love and attention. How have you guys found healing people on the move? Am I an isolated case? And to further the discussion, should we be able to heal people on the move? Personally I think yes, and heres why: Renegade, and RenX are more geared towards an arcadey style as opposed to modern shooters. It holds more in common with TF2 than BF/COD games to anyone with any experience in any of them. Despite its uniqueness I feel "borrowing" this neat little aspect of TF2, where support classes have a place in a firefight outside of offensive means would add more depth and give the players more options for gameplay while also giving people like myself, who love playing support roles a rewarding role on the battlefield outside of repairing vehicles and buildings. Feedback and discussion on this topic more than welcome, do you agree/disagree, what tweaks would you make?