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Everything posted by Taramafor

  1. Oh wait, rocket soldiers aren't a none class unit. Well then... That just means Havoc's/Sakura's are more over powered in that regard.
  2. Maybe buff rocket soldiers while nerfing Havocs/Sakura's? They do seem to be a bit under powered overall. Plus that would make them good at anti vehicle roles. Let's be honest, right now they're next to useless compared to the snipers. Which is just silly. One does a small amount of damage to vehicles and is useless against infantry. The other can take anything out except heavy armor. And even then rocket soldiers don't do nearly enough damage, to light or heavy both. In the time it takes for a rocker soldier to do half damage a chopper a havoc/Sakura will get it to 10-20% health or destroy it. And it only takes like 2 minutes of waiting at the start to grab a Havoc and cause, well, havoc. And I know rocker soldiers are a none class unit but all troops should always, and I mean ALWAYS have a use on the battlefield. Engineers get more love then they do when it comes to anti vehicle.
  3. I'm going to start off by saying that I have nothing against sniping. Infact I rather enjoy it at times. At first I thought it was just me that thought the high class snipers are broken when a single havoc shot down my transport chopper in walls (I was trying to fly at the side of the walls). But then I shot down an apache as a havoc myself in the next match and bragged about it. And a buggy. And a MRLS. And someone else said snipers are broken in the game to which I had to agree with Havocs and Sakura. Why is this a problem? Well it's simple. It makes light vehicles AND aircraft practically useless. All at long range. I don't think people think about sniping vehicles enough but when I was playing havoc anytime an apache popped up I just gave it a few shots and if it wasn't shot down it would be forced to retreat back to base. Keep in mind that this is JUST me. In the end I think the only possible solutions are to either decrease damage to light vehicles by a degree, raise the cost of them (Perhaps 2000), give them an alt fire (underbarrel rail gun as a seperate weapon or something) effective against light vehicles with limited ammo (keeping the main infantry killing aspect deadly as ever of course) or make it a single shot weapon. What do you guys think of them? Keep in mind that whatever happens it will apply to both sides. Also keep in mind that when I say broken it's to light vehicles/aircraft only so no complaining about their infantry killing skills of which they are supposed to be efficient at.
  4. I say disallow beacons in base. This will encourage people to put the fakes out in the field. Honestly, I've gotten rid of harvesters and mammoth rushes this way. By the time people detect it's a fake it's time they spent looking around running like headless chickens in their base looking for it. Unless you're stupid enough to plant it in a commonly used path in which case it deserves to be found.
  5. Personally, I think everyone should be allowed to lay, say, 3 mines each. The way it's set up now means people will use up other peoples mines when setting their own, whever they know it or not, and more often it's probably not.
  6. Therein lies the problem. Engineers needed an escort in ANY C&C game. To have them turn into weapons of mass destruction simply kills the C&C spirit.
  7. So if everyone had an auto lock rocket launcher that homes in on targets and kills in one hit, that wouldn't matter? It's already a known fact that the tib rifle is much better to the AR, let alone the carbine (I'm hoping HOLDING a silo will provide access to the tib rifle in future to balance this out. People would fight over the silo then). Even if not for the bug, it would still make an engineer a very good class. I think that would be a price most people would be willing to pay.
  8. Agreed. Maybe the carbine, but no way should they get tib rifle.
  9. Sigh. Ok, listen up. TORRENTING is legal. It's PIRATING that's illegal. Pirating happens through torrents, it works one way in that direction. Pirate. Torrent. However, that doesn't mean one must pirate to use a torrent, meaning that you can torrent without pirating. In lay mans terms, piracy works through torrents. Piracy itself is illigal. Torrents are a tool of piracy but torrents themselves are perfectly legal, provided the game maker allows the torrent to be used (or at the very least, as long as a game is free).
  10. The tech buildings don't have "health". If you played any other game with control points it makes perfect sense. You "repair" it to capture it. You set it from a neutral state to the state of your side (thereby flipping it). If said building is already captured, it goes back to a neutral state first (as it should) before flipping it to your side. Although I do think the bar should go down to a neutral state if it isn't flipped fully. Mantaining the tech building sounds like an ok idea, provided it's every 5-10 mins or something and not 1-2. Either way, holding the silos gives those extra credits which give your side the extra edge and more people need to capture them more often. Even more so in longer games.
  11. Not sure how much damage Raveshaw does againt mammoths but rocket troopers do 10 damage per shot against them. So, you know, instead of going through vehicles like a hot knife through butter, consider massing rocket troopers. Mammoths won't be able to hit infantry and you can hit them.
  12. Welp, it IS that time of year.
  13. I don't think avatar's are a good idea admittedly because I don't like the way they took Nod in C&C3/4, and balancing would be difficult. But I love the idea of recon bikes, they're from first tiberium war so they fit the lore, and there super sexy. I think I remember playing on servers where you could use recon bikes back in the day, I definitely remember they made an appearance in the single player, they shot a helicopter down or something. Now THIS is an idea I like. Unfortunately, bikes are fast and the map sizes.... Yea, not big enough.
  14. Speed hackers in this case. One of them was "TakeThePoint" and he went from the base enterence to the barracks in one second. Where I then proceeded to engage him to no avail due to him moving so quickly. He wasn't the only one though, I noticed at least one other whos name I didn't catch. And the idiot was then foolish enough to pretend to be me by talking with my name, which was yellow, yet red when he talked. Nice cover. ._. Funny thing is that they still lost, even with the hackers. And us having no refinery. Ha! But case in point, people like this need to be stopped and stronger anti hacking needs to be put in place. People like this only lead to frustrating gameplay and end up killing games. It's not going to stop me from playing the game but it will defiantly make me switch servers, which is a pity when a server is active and the only other active ones are full. Sorry if it's the wrong section. Wasn't sure where to put this so I stuck it in general. I'd also like to know where to report hackers for future reference. Also, adding a record option to the game would help with this as well as make the game more entertaining and provide vids to distribute to other people (I've already sent some gameplay footage to some others who are now getting into the game).
  15. Just fix it so you can get up at the end of the river on both sides. That should balance things out a bit. That or make it so both ends are dead ends and you can only jump in and get out at the middle. If the river flavors one side more then the other either way, change its length/position. Don't set it so you can't hop over the rocks though, that's just immersion breaking and restricts movement/removes locations that can be fought over. A battlefield should have more then just 1 or 2 paths of approach, at least in the middle. And especially on larger maps like Goldrush.
  16. That might be an interesting idea actually. Imagine an avatar taking parts off flame and stealth tanks. Of course, the avatar would have to be expensive on its own first and then of course there's the price of any "upgrades" (have the "sacrificed" vehicles unoccupied for the avatars to grab the parts from them). There's just one little flaw. What would GDI get to balance this out? avatar size is just about ok but you can't give GDI a mammoth mark 2 because if everyone had one, it would cluster the battlefield. And you can't only have one of each because everyone else would be left out.
  17. Ssshh, you're going to blow your cover as a GDI spy. Everyone knows NOD knows everything about tiberum. Because Kane is the ultimate teacher. I mean... Nope, no NOD spy here. Move along. Um... Uh... Look behind you, a three headed cyborg!
  18. You realize you just replaced Kane with this boink, right?
  19. Have you forgotten that tiberium spreads without the aid of trees? (In TD) When GDI has to educate NOD on tiberium, you know it's a GDI victory.
  20. Nothing like tiberium growing in a nod base to get the day started. With this many visceroid's, who needs enemies?
  21. Oh no, our supply of muffins has been stolen. Whatever shall we do? Oh wait, that was our decoy unit led by ghost who has now ripped out the heart of the nod base from the inside. Also, doesn't each nuke cause more environmental damage then 100 GDI bases? Nice try nod but we, GDI, have once again exposed you for the heartless brutes you are. LONG LIVE GDI! DO NOT LISTEN TO THE NOD LIES, TIBERIUM WILL DOOM US ALL! COVER THE WORLD IN SMOKE INSTEAD!
  22. No it doesn't. I was asking for an explanation, not a vitriol filled rant that has no place in a thread discussing hitboxes. Take your ego and your bias elsewhere. And I've even found a thread explaining it on these forums in great detail, and your post contains many factual errors. Free aim is not Aim assist, take your propaganda elsewhere thanks. Again and again, this thread is not about a lock-on system. A player with good aiming skills should be rewarded for a higher amount of healing done in the healing department, as opposed to just firing and forgetting for the duration of a teamfight while he bunny hops around. I just want the hitboxes to register properly, as time and time I've state that the beam will not have any effect on an ally unless it hits a very specific "Magic box" that consist of their central torso. I've addressed this several times in the thread and its getting tiresome, please read the thread and refrain from spreading such vitriol and ignorance. Your post stinks of "I just want to be heard despite having nothing of value to say". While it would certainly improve the functionality, what you would really end up with are a bunch of heal chains in fire fights. I would much rather they just improve the hitbox/reg when using against moving targets. Thank christ someone who finally understands. All I want are better defined hit boxes for the repair gun on friendly infantry. Or even just "fatten" the beam to compensate for the wonky hitboxes. Free aim is where you can lock your screen in one particular direction and aim anywhere on the screen and the bullet will still go where your crosshair is pointing. It will be interesting to see how the devs handle it given that ballistic weapons aren't hit scan anymore. Its an interesting concept, I'm looking forward to it having never used it or even been aware of its existance until now it sounds like a unique mechanic to master that will help the game stand out from other games. There are many ways around this sort of thing, and if the same hitbox is used for getting shot its absolutely awful. As I stated earlier the repair gun beam goes through several areas of the player model which is frustrating and wonky. Many many times I've been aiming straight at someone and the beam is passing through them hitting the wall. The extremities of the player hitboxes are especially notorious. My guess from my development experience is that they have multiple hitboxes per model and they're either incorrectly sized or for some reason the repair gun isn't registering on certain ones. E.G. The head hitbox seems to work fine for bullets, but is basically non-existant for the repair gun. I could be entirely wrong, but that is my suspicion. No need to be an ass. 1: I made a mistake. I can own up to that. I did not see that thread. If I'm not contributing anything with my statements then how does your bashing on me help any? It's only stooping to what you see as a lower level and will only encourage hostility. 2: I've been burned by aim assist and you'd probably be pissed too in my position. OTHERS brought up the subject (Or rather a subject I misinterpreted) and I decided to reply. And 3: I think I've contributed a fair amount with OTHER ways of trying to heal others then simply making the hitbox larger, which has been covered and as stated, may make OTHER WEAPONS easier to hit players. If I'm spewing "propaganda" then by that logic, you must be purposefully trying to make it easier for everything to be hit. That is of course not the case but that is an example of how I could have reacted due to letting my emotions get the better of me as you have done. Now on the subject of larger infantry hitboxes (just so a certain SOMEONE doesn't go stating I'm not contributing) as someone already stated, a way of giving an infantry larger hitbox tag may help. eg: Making a big box and having only healing guns interact with that hitbox. I believe that's perfectly possible to do as other games seem to be doing it currently. Such as a mass driver weapon shooting through shields in a space game. This may not be a space game but it's the same theory and logic, just in a different environment. Either way, looking into OTHER ways of heaping to heal can't hurt. The thread is called "healing with the repair gun" after all, not "make hitboxes larger". Besides, what if it's not possible to make the hitbox larger for only the repair gun?
  23. Filer by players (just click on players/player.nos or whatever it's called in the multiplayer menu) and you'll see for yourself.
  24. Why not just have 2 random maps to select from after each game? That way there's a good chance each map will get played at least once a day, even if there are a lot of maps.
  25. Free aim speaks for itself. It's an aiming assist where the bullets magically home in on an enemy target even if the crosshair is directed a little off the target. Or even automatically guiding themselves to the head when you're aiming at the torso. So yea, screw aim assist. I for one hate free aim and will stop playing the game if it's implemented in this game horribly as it is with splinter cell blacklist (oh look, yet another head shot kill with little to no skill). This is a PC game and we need more games with less hand holding, not a console COD for dummies. On the subject of the repair gun, perhaps adding a "lock" on alt fire where the beam will then guide itself on the target. This would also prevent healing on mass too quickly, not letting it get over powered. Would also help with beacons if those could be targeted.
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