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Posts posted by Ray

  1. I saw this happen very often since the time I started playing.

    I don't know what triggers it, but bots are shooting pointless the floor or walls. It is like if they were trying to shoot an enemy that is at least between one wall and the bot. There were many cases that you could think, that this might be true.

    Bots are doing this on every map in every place of it. Even during battle.

    I even had the problem, that they were shooting me (my own teammembers), though I didn't even hit them. They wont stop until them or me are killed, or they are getting hit by an enemy.

  2. No matter what difficulty or map, in every map there are at least 2 out of 7 bots just standing around doing nothing. Everyone of those bots are all the time in the base, just not moving at all.

    I first thought, that it has something to do in particular with the engineer class, as bots maybe try to repair buildings but after they repaired them they are kinda stuck. But that is not the case, saw many classes standing pointless around at their base. Most of them will at least attack you, if you attack them.

    They would do the same thing when they are in vehicles, also around the base area. In thise case they will just take up one vehicle slot while staying with the vehicle all the time in base and doing nothing.

    There is no way to fix this ingame, except for bots in vehicles, as you can enter the vehicle and kick the bot out. In this case the bot will leave the base.

  3. First time I had this error, but everytime briefly after the seismic warning this error accured.

    After the seismic warning there normally follows an earthquake, also with a displayed message (which I did not get) and the camera begins to shake. One of the most important things in this case is that even though the error occured, the camera was still shaking. So reading this error at first might let you think (at least myself, as I am unfamiliar with its actual meaning), that simply the camera shake did not happen, but that is not the case. The only difference I have witnessed was the missing of the 'earthquake message'.

    Here is a Screenshot of it (click on it to enlarge it)


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